Meet the Squad (8:35 P.m.)

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J'coby pulled up to the church, giving off a sigh.
"We don't have to go here if you don't want to" Bethany told him
"No it's fine"
"We could go hangout somewhere else"
"I honestly don't care where I'm at as long as I'm with you" he said as she blushed. "Plus we're already here" he added
"Alright! Just remember you wanted to be here not me" she said smiling.
J'coby got out opening the door for Bethany. They walk in together Bethany recognizes everyone immediately. She says "hello" to everyone. J'coby follows her saying hello to her friends. J'coby and Bethany end up in a circle talking to Bethany's friends.
"So Jacob, what do you plan on doing after high school?"
J'coby clinched his fists he doesn't care for it when people call him by his real name.
"Computer engineering" J'coby answered trying to get the conversation over with
"So is it true Jacob that you are the worst lacrosse player?" A guy asked him trying to get under his skin.
"Back off Eric!" Bethany pushed him.
"Ohhh it was a joke" learn to have a little fun!Soo what is it Jacob?"
J'coby walked away knowing if the conversation were to go on. He would do something he would regret. Bethany follows him. "J'coby!"
He turns around. "He's an asshole!" Points at him. Eric looks and waves.
"I'll tell him to leave you alone"
"This is why I don't go out anywhere, people like that!"
She hugs him "just breath" she said with a soft voice.
"He's not worth it anyways, Jacob" she smiled.
Everyone begins to walk into the big church building for service to start.
J'coby and Bethany walk together in.

(In a dark room)
"Those stupid mother fuckers! Think just because your skin is darker it doesn't make you any less human!"
"We're going to show them!"
"Or die trying!"
"We will start a god damn race war if we have to!"
"All of the years of our people being pushed to the dirt!"
"Tonight we push back!"
5 African men said loading up guns.

(Back In the church)
"Listen here guys! With all of the stuff going on this week, gang violence, racial violence, domestic violence! We must look to god! Because you know he is punishing us! All of the adultery, pornography, pre marriedal sex. God is tearing us up from the inside and soon he will take those have given their lives to him home with him." The preacher said flailing his arms around. He ends the sermon.
J'coby walks up to him after it's over.
"Hey! can I talk to you?"
The preacher turns around
"Yes of course"
"When you said 'God was tearing us apart' I was really confused"
"Yes what is it?"
"Why? If he is all powerful then why can't he just save us all?"
"Because son he's looking for a hero to save us someone who doesn't want to but will because it's the right thing to do"
J'coby smirks a little and nods thank you.
"What was that all about?" Bethany asked him as they walk away.
"I just needed some answers where is the bathroom?"
Bethany points
"Thanks" J'coby said walking away. "I just have to wash my face I'll be back!" He added walking away

A black van pulls up 7 black men jump out holding AK-47 assault rifles the enter the church. Firing in the air.
Screams echo the big empty room. Everyone runs for exists being caught by more black people with assault rifles. The leader steps out, a black guy with wide shoulders and a tight shirt with shoulder holsters on him. He looks like nothing to be messed with.

J'coby heard the gun shots peaking out seeing the men gathering everyone up in a circle. A smaller man sets up a computer hooking up wires and connecting it to the wall.

"Hello everyone! I hope you've left no regrets because there's a good chance you're not leaving this building alive!"

J'coby hides in a stall curled In a corner he begins to cry
"Mother fucker! I'm going to die here!"

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