Roach (3:39 A.M.)

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"New! Here first on channel 7 news! The West Palm Catholic church hostage situation! The bell tower has collapsed with a man falling out of it he is believed to be dead. Here we got live to Ashley Tetherson live on location!"

"Thank you John well it seems to be the armed terrorist won't stop until they get their demands I'm here with Trevor Chief of Police. Trevor what do you think their next move will be?"
"Well if they do what they say they're going to publicly execute one of the hostages"
"And you're just going to let them do that?"
"Well no there is nothing we can do but we have someone on the inside" Trevor covers his mouth accidentaly letting the secret slip out.
"What do you mean a person on the inside?"

"Eight! How much longer will it be until the power will be on?" One said pleased with the thought of his kill.
"It's an old system it needs to heat up"
Eight said scrolling on the laptop. "Umm One, you need to see this"

"Channel seven news had exclusive video of 'the man on the inside' jumping out of the bell tower"
The video plays clearly showing J'coby's face. The video stops with a number under it.
"If you can identify this person will you please call channel 7 news!"

"Who is it?" One asked.
"I don't know but by the looks of his body he can take a beating, do you think he's actually dead?" Eight said.

"Trevor!" Derek said calling his chief over.
"Do you recognize this guy?" Derek said pointing at the screen.
J'coby's mom peeked over Trevor's shoulder.
"That's my son!"

J'coby opens his eyes throwing the rubble off of him. Laying on the cold ground catching his breath.
"Jacob.... Jacob are you there?"
J'coby sits up looking around for someone calling his name.
He realizes it's coming from his radio. "Who the hell is this?"
"What the fuck Derek?! How the hell do you know?! Why the hell would you use my name on the god damn radio?!" J'coby yelled frantically looking for his gun.
"Yes Derek, how could you?" One said then let's out a slight chuckle.
"Mother fucker" J'coby said under his breath.
"J'coby Sinn" One said mocking J'coby. "Is that a family name?" He asked.
J'coby listened to but didn't care about what he had to say.
"J'coby Sinn, sounds like a pornstar or something" one said laughing.
J'coby picked up the radio "it is a pornstar name because I've been fucking your operation all night"
One sat silent, not knowing what to say.
"All of your speeches and your words you say to the cameras and now you're speechless" J'coby mocked making his way through rooms looking for medical supplies.
"Soon, in time Jacob, you will regret everything you ever said and done tonight" One said with gritt in his voice.
"The only thing I regret is not killing you sooner".

"Listen up who's ever left! We have a roach, spread out and find this son of a bitch and kill him! He does not reach these hostages!"
"YES SIR" every terrorist said.

Eric sat tired and scared like all of the hostages, but with Eric he wanted you to know that he was in pain. He would constantly state it out loud. Bethany and her friends were scared and tired but they believed J'coby was the one making everything better. But Eric wanted it to be him. He wanted Bethany to be proud of him. He wanted Bethany's acceptance and her love.
"Hero!" Eight said mocking J'coby watching the news on his laptop. "Boss they're calling him a hero, after we were trying to get equal treatment for our people" Eight added.
One got mad looking around at the hostages thinking who would know J'coby. All of the hostages were talking amongst themselves about who the 'hero' is. Finally one spoke "Does anyone know who J'coby Sinn is?!"
Bethany heard the name knowing exactly who it is, her stomach dropped. Her stomach dropped anyways when she heard his name.
Eric at this point has let his greed and ego eat him up. One had his back turned, Eric got up taking off out of the room and went the same way J'coby did earlier!
"HEY!" Eight yelled!
"Let him go, he's not a factor" One said.

J'coby limped down the hall had rolled his ankle from jumping off the bell tower. Plus the cuts and bruises he received. "Why is he doing this?" He thought. His life will be the exact same after this night, if he lives. He's not going to get paid, maybe receive an award or something. But why him? Why Jacob Trent Sinn? Then suddenly he heard footsteps running his way! J'coby prepared himself for a fight! The man that came around the corner wasn't one he expected.
"Eric?"J'coby said.

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