Alone (11:45 P.M.)

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J'coby opened a door pointing his gun. He walks in an empty room the room is big it looks like a place for everyone to hangout and play games.
"This church is too freaking big" he thought to himself. As he heard a broom stick drop, he turned around quickly. Seeing a shadow run across the floor, J'coby ran to a closet.
"Where is Three?"
"He was supposed to check the bathrooms"
"Where is he?"
"Check the bathroom"
J'coby sat in the closet sweat dripping from his head as he grips his weapon tight. He thought about the cops, and where are they? He thought about what his father was thinking. What his mother was thinking it was late and she can't be assuming he was still at church. What about his friends what are they thinking, the way they pushed him around. They'll miss him when he's gone, but do they really like him? Bethany, what was she thinking? She was scared he knows that much, well she would be scared if he knew she were still alive. J'coby wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The two men checked the bathroom, they walked in and for a second it was silent. The suspense eat at J'coby, his thoughts were tearing him apart. Then the bathroom door bursts open sending a loud bang echoing through the empty room. The noise made J'coby jump, he gripped his weapon tight almost firing it. The two men run "One! One!" They yelled running to the place where the hostages are. J'coby saw the opportunity and took it, he busted out of the closet! Running to the doors of another room. He wanted to get farther away from the hostages and learn the church so he could have an advantage over the men he was fighting. J'coby knew eventually he would have to take a life and he was trying to prepare himself mentally for it.

The two men ran in to the room!
"One! One! Something went wrong!"
The big black man turns around "what is it?!"
"It's Three"
The three men make their way to the bathroom, opening the door seeing their partner unconscious on the floor, with a message written on the wall.
"Game On Mother Fuckers" written on the wall in black marker.
"This son of a bitch has got guts!" One said punching the wall with his big fist leaving a hole in the drywall.

J'coby ran finding shelter in the confession booth. He pulls out his phone, dials "911".
The phone signal is jammed.
He lets out a sigh, as he sat down.

Eight scrolled on his computer, shutting down everything; phones, internet, outside connection.
"It's done sir" Eight said to one.
"Great, now Two, Six go find this little pest and bring him here! I think we have just found our next example." One said smiling loading his gun.

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