Time To Work (2:00 A.M.)

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Five raced down the hall to the kitchen seeing two of his partners killed. Burnt, it stunk of smoke and gas. He looked around seeing the hole in the window. J'coby hid in a closet located in the kitchen, the radio buzzed giving away his position. J'coby jumped out opening fire on the man. 2 bullets had hit him in the stomach and the shoulder! The man fell to the ground in pain, J'coby ran over kicking his gun from his hands!
"Alright what the hell do you want?" J'coby yelled into the radio.
"Hey! Mister you don't get to talk to me like that!"
"Listen up man I'm the only one you got in here, I could easily join those hostages and get killed while you guys sit outside with your thumb up your ass!" J'coby yelled into the radio. "So as long as I'm in here doing your job you can shut the hell up and listen to me, alright listen closely I'm about to find out what this guy knows" J'coby said walking to the wounded man opening his pocket knife.

One walked around, "who the fuck is fucking up stuff here?" He said looking at the hostages. He glanced down at his watch. "It's about that time again" he smirked "who do I want to kill?" He said grabbing Bethany's hair dragging her to the center of the room putting a gun to her head. She kicks and screams begging for her life tears begin to flow!
"Is the camera rolling?" One screamed wanting answers!
The guy behind the camera gave him a thumbs up. "One more body your police force can add to their body count!" One said as he was about to pull the trigger. Then suddenly the lights go off the room goes completely dark!

J'coby had shut of the power slamming the panel door shut! He grabbed his gun running to a place to hide. He runs into 2 more men the 2 men tackle him. The man punches J'coby in the face picking him up throwing him into the door, the door smashes into pieces shards of wood fly everywhere. J'coby gets up grabbing hit the guy in the face grabbing the other guy throwing him into the wall kneeling him in the ribs!
He punches him in the face as the other guy grabs J'coby throwing him to the ground as the 2 begin to stomp on him! J'coby reaches for his gun, the men stomped on his arm the shoulder he had dislocated! He let out a scream, punching one of the men in the crotch! He got up elbowing one of the men in the face grabbing him slamming his face into the wall taking the gun running up the stairs to the bell tower! The two men get up in pain and shock at the amount of pain a teenager could take. J'coby raced up the stairs gun in hand his nose dripping blood on his shirt! The two men tried to open the door J'coby slammed shut on the way up it was locked.
"Come on let's go, we know what he looks like now!" One of the men said holding his head.

One threw Bethany back in the group of hostages, her friends comforting her.
"Boss!" The two men yelled running back to the main room.
"Please tell me you killed this mother fucker!" One said in high hopes.
Hesitant to answer the two men looked at each other. "Well...." one man said.
One not looking happy hits him in the face. Sending his limp body to the ground. One looks at the other guy,
"Tell me what you wanted to tell me!"

J'coby sat against the bell tower walls tending to his bloody nose. He grabbed the radio. "Hey, is anyone there?"
The rookie picked up the radio.
"Is this the man on the inside?"
"Yeah" J'coby said in pain "where's the other guy?" He added.
"He's dealing with the media you know how it is"
"Not really"
The two share a slight laugh.
"Listen, I need you to talk to me for a second" J'coby said picking at his splinters.
"Why what is it?" The rookie said leaning against his police car.
"I just need something to take my mind off this pain" J'coby said feeling his nose knowing it's broken.
"Well what do you want me to talk about?"
"How long have you been on the police force?" J'coby said putting his nose back in to place. He let out a slight scream!
"I've only been on for a year, this town is a boring place" The Rookie said.
"Well not tonight" J'coby replied digging out splinters.
"You can say that again, so are you going to tell us your name anytime soon?" The rookie asked curiously.
"I wish I could, I got people apart of the hostages that I love. So if they were to know who I am they would kill them" J'coby replied checking his ammo supply. "But you can tell me your name if you would like" he added.
"Derek" the rookie said "The name's Derek"
"Well it's nice to meet you Derek, maybe if I get outta here we could hangout watch football or something" "what do you mean if? It's a matter of when" Derek encouraged.
"You're such an inspiration Derek" a voice cut Into the conversation.
"Who the hell?" Derek and J'coby said. "How fucking clever, you're in the bell tower. Hiding" the voice said on the radio.
"How do you know..."
"And really smart blowing up that kitchen, I have to give you props for that!" One said cutting him off.
"What the fuck do you want?" J'coby asked
"First off I want you to fuck off! And then Daniel Harper's head on a stick"
"You're a fucking psycho path" J'coby insulted.
"I'm a savior" One contradicted.
"Keep telling yourself that asshole" J'coby said taking a few sniffs smelling smoke. "What's that?" He asked?
"Have you ever been hunting? Mystery man? And you trap something in a tree. You burn the tree down!" One said burning down the bell tower.
"That's not at all how!!!" J'coby said dropping his radio getting up looking for a way down! He looks at roof tops too high of a drop! He picks up the radio. "Derek I'm in serious shit! How the hell do I get down off this bell tower?!"
Derek looked up trying to find escape routes. The police force began to witness the carnage of the bell tower being burnt!
The bell tower starts to collapse! J'coby yelled "Fuck it!" As he jumped out last minute crashing Into a roof the roof caved in burying him in rubble! The news helicopters catching his daring stunt on video!

"Now, our little pest is dead" One said whipping his hands off.
"Now time to go back to work!"

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