Hell Hour (5:00 A.M.)

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J'coby sat in a classroom of the church crying to himself. He knew it was no longer a game. It never was, he was bleeding out of his arm his nose was broken and dripping blood. He could barely walk his ankle permanently fucked up. His shoulder dislocated and his hand broken. Glass and wood shards buried all over his body. His clothes ripped up using them as bandages. He only had his white wifebeater on it had been dirty and covered in blood at this point. And he had his black slacks ripped up and dirty, his shoes fucked up almost like he had none on. He had a handgun in his waistband his phone completely destroyed. He looked like a warrior. He was a warrior, a survivor. He looked around thinking of what he was going to do.

"Eight! Got to plan C" One command.
"Why are you telling me?"
"Everyone else is gone it's up to you to set up, plus I know you'll do it right"
Eight nods grabbing a black bag, and a handgun.
"What are you doing with that?"
"As far as I know he's still alive"
One nods as Eight goes off to do his mission.

Derek sat in his car in stress.
"What's the matter rookie?" Trevor said with a soft voice.
"I've only been on this job for a year and this bullshit happens! I don't get it Trevor, why is this world a fucked up place?"
"Well I don't know everything but I have learned some things in my time. This world is messed up, and we can't do anything to turn everyone around we have to endure. And throw our lives out for the people we love not for us. We have to not be selfish and learn to give rather it's time, money, love, or our lives. I know you're under alot of stress and you're scared but imagine what your friend is feeling on the inside. He's not doing this for him he's doing it for you, his mother, the people he loves. If he were to do it for himself he wouldn't have gone back inside." Trevor said putting his hands on Derek's shoulders. "And I don't like you calling me 'Trevor' I'm your father for fuck sake" Trevor said smiling and hugging Derek.

Eight came out of a room sweaty. Keeping count of something, writing a tally mark on his arm. He's stopped dead in his tracks seeing a dark figure at the end of the hallway.
"Hi there!"
Eight turns around running dropping the bag. The figure runs at him tackling him! Turns him around raising his fist!
"You 30 seconds to tell me what I want to know!"

One paced around the room full of hostages wondering if Eight had completely his job.

Eric woke up grabbing his head looking around remembering where he's at.

One walked around hoping one of his men would come back with some good news.

Eric tried to open the door finding out something was blocking it. He rammed his shoulder in it repeatedly.

2 of One's guys made their way down the hall hearing the noise.

Eric finally broke free from the class room being met by 2 Ak-47 rifles in his face!
"Wait, Wait, Wait!!" He said putting his hands up as they pointed their guns at him.
"I know how you could get to this guy! Let me live and I'll tell you!"
The 2 men lowered their weapons.

J'coby sat Eight against the wall. Eight sat unconscious, J'coby grabbing the bag and his radio and his hand gun.
"Derek, Derek? Are you there?" J'coby spoke in the radio.
"Yeah it's me and yes I'm still alive"
"There's some shit you need to know!"
"Yeah the have explosives"
"How do you know?"
"I have ears Derek!" J'coby said sarcastically making his way to the hostages.
"Well what's the plan?" Derek asked.
"Do you honestly think I've had a plan all night?" J'coby said looking into a window leading into the room with the hostages.
"Alright listen Derek, they have planted explosives all over the church, it's no longer about getting Daniel Harper anymore. It's a suicide mission!" J'coby said gripping his gun.
"Well what are you doing?" Derek asked.
"I'm going to save as many hostages as I can" J'coby setting his radio down.
"What the fuck?!" J'coby said under his breath as he saw Eric walking out of the doors. One and his henchmen standing around watching him leave.

"J'coby Sinn!" One yelled "I know you can hear me!" He added as he grabbed Bethany's hair yet again. "I know who you are and who you love! So you can come out now or I'm putting a bullet in her pretty little head!"

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