Hold On (4:15 A.M.)

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The news outlets rushed around trying to be the first with new updates on the story. They were throwing around words like "Hero" "Savior" "Inspiration" the whole town of Amac loved J'coby. And so did the world. J'coby, unaware of what was going on, on the outside just faught for survival.
The news outlets interviewed J'coby's mother. His friends showed up. J'coby was a sensation and Eric hated it!

"Eric! What the fuck are you doing here?!" J'coby asked.
"If a pussy ass computer engineer could be a hero, than a all state Basketball player could too" Eric replied.
"Eric you're going to get yourself killed!"
"You haven't been killed yet! How hard can it be?"
"Eric go, get the fuck out while you have a chance!"
The power turns back on the two are blinded by the light suddenly turning on.
"Fuck!" J'coby said putting his hands over his face.
Eric looked at J'coby with rage he tackles him the two run into a wall!
"What the fuck Eric!?" J'coby said throwing him off
"If I can't be the hero and get all of the glory no one can!" Eric said running at J'coby punching him in the face!
"Eric I don't want to fight you!"
"Then don't" Eric said grabbing J'coby throwing him against the wall!
J'coby on his hands and knees wiped blood from his mouth.
"Eric please don't make me"
"Fuck you Jacob"
J'coby uppercutted Eric in the jaw! Grabbing him throwing him into a room where he closed the door and put a shelf in the way so Eric couldn't get out!

Derek paced the scene then the world stops for a split second! A group of hostages walk out with bags over their head their hands cupped. Derek tries to run to the hostages! Trevor stops him "Wait, it can't be over that easily". 3 S.W.A.T members run up to them, securing them but the hostages won't move.
"What the hell is going on?" Derek said under his breath.
The S.W.A.T leader grabbed the hostages trying to get them to move to a safer area. The hostage began to cry.
"I know you're scared but you need to come with me!" He yelled as news helicopters circling the scene spot lights on them.
The hostage mumbled something with sorrow.
"I'm sorry" the hostage said opening her hands revealing a small explosive! The are where they were standing lit up with fire and smoke! A loud noise echoed the parking lot!
Trevor dropped down holding J'coby's mother with him. Derek hid behind his car standing back in safety!

J'coby heard the explosion ran to the window seeing blood and burnt pavement. J'coby reached for his radio he couldn't find.
"Fuck!" He yelled looking around!

One stepped out yelling "All of this could end! Give me what I want!"

Derek looked at him "why do we not have a sniper on him!?" Derek asked.
"We do but if we kill him he could have his men kill the hostages!" Trevor answered.
Derek looked at the disaster that was the church. Or what was left of it.
"God, J'coby I hope you know what you're doing!"

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