New Found Hero (11:02 P.M.)

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A big black man walked around the room toting a big machine gun. The man had a mask on white with nothing on it just eyes with the word "savior" written across it. He walks over to the man on the computer.
"Eight! " He yelled at him "are we almost in?"
"Just a few more fire walls, and... got it!" Eight yelled in excitement!
"Great! Hand me my microphone and set up the camera!" The big black man demanded.
Two smaller black men set up a camera and handed him the microphone.
"And we're rolling!" A man behind the camera yelled!
"Good evening little town of Amac! I wish I could tell you who I am but I'm pretty sure you know who these people are!" The big black man pointed at the hostages rounded up.
The camera panned over them showing 17-19 teenagers and 4-5 adults in a circle frightened.
"And I know for damn sure you know who this is" holds up a picture of Daniel Harper (the kid on the news earlier in the story) "what kind of judicial system lets a killer just walk away!? I guarantee if it had been a black man he would've been killed on the spot. That's why I'm here to give fair treatment to everyone with a little twist of your judicial system America." He walks over to the hostages. He paces around them all of them crying.
"I want to see Daniel Harper tried right! And for every hour he is not I put a bullet in the heads of these 'innocent' kids" grabs Bethany's hair dragging her in front of the camera.
"Get the fuck off of me!" She kicked and screamed!
"Maybe this pretty lady here!" He said as he put a gun to her head. "Maybe this old fuck!" He added pointing the gun at him. "The possibilities are endless I love it!"
"And cut!" The man behind the camera yelled!
The big black man threw Bethany to the ground.
"Send it to the news station" he said as he fixed his shoulder holster.
"So what is this just a show?!" The priest yelled at him
The big black man turned around looking at him.
"I'm sorry what was that?"
"Is this all for show? Who are you people"
The big black man walks over to the priest, picking him up by the throat!
"Listen old man, sit down shut up and follow orders and there's a good chance you'll get out alive" he said as he threw him to the ground! The big black man walks away then is stopped in his tracks.
"God will give you what you deserve!" The priest yelled at him.
He turns around pulling his handgun out.
"Listen here you old bastard! You can pray to your god all you want, but remember I'm here and he's not!" He said pulling the trigger as a bullet travels through his skull. The gun makes a loud noise smoke coming from it.
"Get this trash out of here! Take video and pictures send it to the media!" He turns point the gun at the hostages. "Anyone else want to ask questions? No? That's what I fucking thought!"
He stormed out to an office.

Bethany sat crying her friends comforting her.
"Where the hell is Jacob?" Eric pointed out looking at Bethany.
"Probably bailed out saw an escape route and took it like the coward he is!" Eric added on.
"You deserve someone better Bethany" Eric said sitting on the floor.
"Like me" he said under his breath

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