Over (7:13 A.M.)

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"Hey back up! Back the fuck up!" Derek made his way through the crowd of people and news crew!
"Dad!" Derek yelled to Trevor who was trying to get stuff situated.
Trevor turns around seeing his son. Paramedics working kids and cops investigating the scene. The was rising the inky black night was slowly turning day. The cold chill of the morning was felt on everybody. People were waking up to the news story of J'coby Sinn and the Church Siege. Derek shoved his way through the crowd making his way to J'coby who was laying lifeless on the pavement. Blood soaked the concrete around him. Bethany's hands covered in blood from her trying to tend to J'coby's wounds. Derek kneeled down next to J'coby checking his pulse.
Ba domp ba domp ba domp.
"He's still alive" He said waving for paramedics to come help.
"Barley" he added. grabbing bandages off of the medical cart the EMTs had brought over. He begin wrapping J'coby up trying to stop the bleeding! Blood now soaked Derek's hands. J'coby let out moans trying to wake up. Blood loss and exhaustion took it's toll on J'coby. He was physically incapable of waking up. The paramedics put J'coby on the stretcher taking him to the ambulance. J'coby's mother raced to see her son a bloody mess being put into the back of an ambulance. She began to cry, Trevor was there to comfort her.

Derek looked around the broken church.
"What the fuck happened tonight?" He asked himself.

J'coby laid barley able to open his eyes he was in the back of an ambulance with a blood bag strapped to his arm.
The rest of the EMTs were attending other people. Bethany and J'coby's mother were sitting there next to him. "Hi mom" a faint voice said. J'coby spoke.
J'coby's mother looked at her son he was barely able to stay awake.
"Sorry I'm late, it's passed curfew" J'coby jokingly said laughing and then holding his ribs in pain.

Derek looked at the carnage bending over picking up a phone. The phone was barely intact. It had a message on it reading "we got him!"
A laugh startled Derek. He turned around pulling out his gun it was One. He was barely alive.
"All of your effort pig! We fucking got him!"
"What are you talking about?" Derek asked gun still drawn.
"Daniel Harper, the reason this started. He killed himself in his cell tonight. I guess he had something to hide" One said laughing.
"You're a sick mother fucker" Derek said with grit in his voice.
"I can die in peace knowing that justice has been served"
"All is right with the world!" One said laughing hard his mask hanging by his bloody face.
"I'm free!" He exclaimed laughing harder!
"Kill me!!" One said laughing even harder!
"Please kill me!" His laugh turned into crying.
It was stopped by Derek putting a bullet in his head.
Derek dropped his gun and his badge. Walking away from the scene.

J'coby sat in the back of the ambulance fighting for each gasp of air. He had a collapsed lung, 2 broken ribs, a broken nose, dislocated shoulder, a broken hand, a rolled ankle, a nail in his foot multiple cuts and bruises, a black eye and he was bleeding out of his forehead. It was amazing how he was still pulling breath. J'coby laid on the bed for the first time in a few hours he was comfortable. He looked at Bethany
"How about next time we hangout we stay at your house and watch the news instead of make it" J'coby said laughing then coughing violently.

Derek walked to J'coby's ambulance.
"How are you feeling champ?" Derek asked leaning on one of the doors.
J'coby gave him a thumbs up.
"Hey ladies can I speak to Jacob alone please?"
They nod then leave the ambulance.
Derek hops in closing the doors behind him.

Eric sits with a blanket around him. He shivers and shakes he's scared. Trevor walks around checking on everyone. Eric gets up walking towards Bethany.
"Hell of night am I right?" Eric said trying to make small talk.
"Why did you do it?" Bethany asked.
"What? What are you talking about?" Eric said confused.
"Why did you sell out J'coby?"
Eric got uncomfortable like he knew he had been caught.
"Well..." he said.
"Answer my question" Bethany demanded looking at him.
"Well I thought if he was out of the picture maybe you and I could..." Eric tried to explain.
Bethany sat angry. "You're a little bitch!" She said punching him in the face!
The cops did nothing about it they knew he deserved it.

"So what I'm saying is all around the town churches fell to these men" Derek told J'coby.
"This group is still out there, some of them didn't get what they wanted"
Derek added.
"But lucky for you you took out the main core of the group."
"What about Daniel Harper?"
"He killed himself around 3 in the morning"
J'coby grew angry "so this was for nothing?"
"Well you're alive?"
J'coby calmed down and nodded.
"Don't think too hard about it you did good kid you did good" Derek said. Leaving the ambulance. He walked to his squad car getting on the radio.
"What was the body counts of the other situations?"
"In the upper 40's"
"Alright thank you"

J'coby laid in the ambulance thinking of all of the innocent people who died because of this stupid race war. He begin to cry. J'coby made it out alive but what was his life compared to the ones who died in the other churches.

Derek in stress sat in his car thinking.
Both men Derek physically able to make a difference
J'coby physically incapable because he tried to make a difference.
Derek had alot of time to change the world.
J'coby had not much left from trying.
J'coby sat gripping his bed sheets the pain was unbearable.
"I guess One got what he wanted, to change the world, my world" he thought to himself.
If he were to live any longer he would not be the same person who walked into that church that night.

Derek wiped his tears making his way to the ambulance where J'coby was pulling air barely.
"You don't have long do you?" Derek asked.
"The doctor said I'd be lucky if I lived passed noon" J'coby said smirking.

"Everyone also told me I wouldn't survive the night" J'coby said with a smirk

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