Time for Action (10:13 P.M.)

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J'coby sat coward in the corner, The gun shots grew louder. Footsteps approached the bathroom door, The door slams open!
"Is anyone in here?!" The man shouted holding the rifle. The man gets closer to the stall J'coby is in he gets closer.
"I can hear you breathing!" He yelled
J'coby knew he either had to fight or die. J'coby slammed the stall door open knocking the gun out of the man's hands! J'coby hits him in the face once, a shocking sensation runs up his arm! His arm goes numb as he hits the man with his other hand! Grabs him throwing him into the stall! The walls come crashing down he grabs him by the shirt and repeatedly punches him in the face! The man quits moving. J'coby gets up loosening his tie taking it off. He spits on the man. He shook his hand out trying to regain feeling in his hand. He looked down at it, to see a bone sticking out of place. J'coby put a rag in his mouth popping it back in to place with a silent muffled scream. Blood drips from his hand his knuckles had been cut open by the man's teeth. J'coby sat on the floor in shock of what he had done. His father had taught him how to fight, they would spar in the backyard. But nothing ever as serious as life or death. J'coby knew he either had to man up or let everyone die. He got up checking the man for stuff he could use, he found some medical tape and a pocket knife and a handgun. J'coby had never actually fired a really gun before. J'coby paced around the bathroom pondering what he should do, he then had a thought. He leaned against the wall and fell to his butt sitting on the ground. With tears in his eyes he placed the gun to his head. He felt the cold steel on his temple, put his finger on the trigger.
"I could do it and everyone will just think this guy killed me" he thought to himself. He took a deep breath, then pulled the trigger. The gun clicked, J'coby's let out a breath then tears ran down his face. J'coby sat on the floor a man lying next to him. He had a thought he pulled out his phone, he can't believe he didn't think about it earlier he dialed "911"
"911 what's your emergency?"
"I'm at West Palm Catholic church, and there are 7 to 8 guys armed with machine guns that just took over the place!" He said to the operator.
"Can you stay on the line while we send someone over?"
"Yeah sure lady, if you're even going to send someone over!"
"Excuse me?"
"I know you don't believe me, 'he's 17 he's just a kid playing a joke' you'll see how much of a joke it is when 20 kids are slaughtered here!"
"We have sent an officer, please stay on the line"
"Fuck you lady" J'coby added he knew they would never listen to him. So he gave them a reason to come down. They have his number tracked and he didn't plan on dying tonight. And the unloaded gun that stopped his suicide is an indication the he needs to man the fuck up.
"There's only 7 or 8 of them now, amateur hour is over." He grabbed the gun and supplies he might need and took off ou the bathroom room door making his way down the hallways. Trying to find another safe place to hide.
"It's time to make my father proud" he said with a smirk on his face.

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