Chapter 2

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I walk down the sidewalk for a block before I stop in front on Melanie's house. She lives in a rather small but homey house, and I love it. We both live in a small suburban neighborhood on the outskirts of  Chicago, Illinois. I love the cities, with all the bustle and activity.

I watch as an old man walks his dog passed me on the sidewalk, and greet him politely with a "hello" before heading up the steps to Mel's house. It seems as soon as I push the doorbell, the door is already open for me.

"Oh my gosh! Hey York! Today is so exciting, am I right??" She squeals, pulling me into a hug.

I smile and roll my eyes while hugging her back. I can already hear her annoying new album blasting in her room, a melancoly tune about New York.

"C'mon upstairs! I have to show you these text messages!" she says, practically dragging me up the stairs behind her. When we reach her room, it takes my eyes a minute to adjust to its business. Posters of 'One Direction' cover her walls from floor to ceiling, along with more recent pictures of her favorite member, Harry Styles. I cringe as I realize all of their fakey faces are staring right at me. Once I get my bearings, I instantly run over to her Bluetooth boom box and turn the volume way down. There was no way I was going to concentrate with that racket playing.

I look to Melanie who is pouting at my action. "There. NOW we can talk." I smile, chuckling a bit at her puppy dog eyes.

"Alright, alright fine," she says while whipping out her phone. She taps on it for a bit before handing it to me. "Just keep scrolling until the conversation is done. He is SO cute!" Melanie looks up at the ceiling as she says this, a dreamy look spread across her face.

I look down at her phone and begin reading her text convo with Jason. Ever since our friendship began, Mel has always been the pretty and confident one. She doesn't need to worry about wearing make-up like I do. She is just naturally gorgeous. She is rather tall, but her height is all legs. She always seems to wear a perfect tan, along with a perfect smile, with big perfect blue eyes. She always has all the guys at our school swooning, which is why I'm not surprised that Jason, the most popular guy at school, likes her. I'm actually not quite sure how we become such good friends. She is in the popular crowd, while I fit in with the geeks. For some reason, the whole popularity thing doesn't matter to her. She can just be herself and not care what other people think of her. I, on the other hand, do not have as much luck. I am rather average weight at an average height. I have brown eyes and blond hair. Just a girl in the hallway, whereas Melanie is a girl on the runway.

The messages Jason sent her showed all the signs of flirtation. He has teased her about wearing heels to a football game, he complimented her on her ass, and he sent a kissey face emoji. I sigh and bite my lip. I know I should be really happy for Mel. Jason is a really talented, smart, and funny guy. Not to mention he is drop-dead gorgeous. But the thing is, I can't help but be jealous. I have never had any guy like me through high school. Any time a guy ever talked to me was to ask me if Mel liked him or not.

"Well...? What do ya think?? Does he like me?" Melanie says excitedly, watching me finish scrolling. Jason ended the conversation with a "gnite bebegrl :*" and I couldn't help but giggle. "Oh Mel, he more than likes you. He is SO into you!"

Melanie smiles wide showing all of her straight white teeth, "You think so??" She asks me.

"I know so," I reply back, wiggling my eyebrows up and down.

Melanie smiles and takes her phone back. She instantly starts scrolling through instagram, liking every picture containing a shirtless guy. "So how is ItsJustYork today?" Melanie asks.

I smile at her use of my youtube channel name. "Quite good, actually. My look for the Nikki Minaj contest has just reached one mil. I guess everyone liked that one..." I say, checking my numbers again.

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