Chapter 13

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Harry's knuckles were white as he frigidly gripped the steering wheel. 

"What the hell was that?" I asked, rubbing my eye and smearing mascara across my sweaty face.

"What do you mean? Melanie was worried about you so I came," he said, eyebrows knit in supposed concentration on the road in front of him. 

"Right. Sure that's the reason," I said, erupting into a fit of giggles.

Harry glanced over at me, a weary look on his gorgeous face. He rubbed his temples, letting out a sigh. 

"We need to get you back to the hotel Sixy," he said in a surprisingly gentle tone. 

 "Mmmm..," I responded with a yawn. I felt like I had been hit by a truck. It's so strange how one minute I felt full of energy, on top of the world. Then, just like that, I wanted nothing more than a soft pillow. 

I looked out the window, lazily watching the city lights spin in my vision. 

"Harry?" I asked without looking at him. "How did you find me?" 

I didn't think he was going to answer as a long silence filled the vehicle. 

"Melanie and I found your location off your snap chat," he finally said. 

A small giggle escaped my lips. "Stalkers," I said. 

"Where's Mel anyways?" I asked quietly after a few moments. 

"She went home. Something about her mom freaking out," he said, a bit of annoyance showing in his tone. 

I finally glanced towards him. He was biting his lip profusely, his hands clamped the steering wheel as if it was going to run away.

"What's the matter Styles?" I asked groggily, offering a playful pout. "You sad you didn't get another one-night stand?"

"Well yeah," Harry said, offering a devilish smirk. "Your friend has a tight ass and huge baps." 

If I was sober, I would've punched him for sure. 

"Baps? What the heck," I said breaking into a fit of tired laughter. "Oooo look mom, my baps are sagging. I need a new bra, my baps are too small!"

By this point I'm laughing so hard my forehead is resting on the dash. 

"You have saggy baps?" Harry asked, trying to conceal a smile. "That's something I usually would've noticed, but I didn't even think to glance at yours." 

This time I whacked him playfully. "Shut up!" I said through spurts of laughter. 

Finally, Harry could hold back no longer. A rare, genuine smile spread across his face revealing the dimples indenting his cheeks. He shook his head at me as tears of laughter glistened in my eyes. 

"Let's get you to bed," Harry said, chuckling a bit to himself. 

About 15 minutes later, we arrived at the hotel. By that point, I had quieted down, laying half awake on the window. I was really starting to feel the effects of the alcohol and all sorts of regrets flooded my mind. Parties have never been my thing; I never was one to care about doing everything that my peers did. I thought their opinions meant nothing to me. But as soon as a stupid boy took an interest in me, all of my philosophies went out the window. I hate people-pleasers and I sure as hell don't want to become one. 

"Alright Sixy time to go to bed," Harry said, opening my door. 

"Ah! What the-!" I exclaimed, nearly falling on my face. I glared at Harry who was clearly trying to hold in a laugh. "You could've given me some warning!" My head was pounding so bad I wasn't sure I could get up. I groaned, my back resting on the pavement as my legs rested on the passenger seat. 

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