Chapter 11

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I shrug my purse over my shoulder and slam my hotel door behind me. I can't believe Harry just distracted me so he could move in on my friend. We just got here like a half hour ago and Harry is already looking for his next fling. I honestly could care less how he chooses to live his romantic life but when it involves my best friend it's a different story. Especially since my best friend is head over heels, dumb blonde style, for the jerk.

As I storm out of the lobby passed the shocked receptionist, I pull up my snap chat map. It appears Mel decided to meet with Harry at the Dunn Bros 2 streets down from here. Its discreet enough that Harry won't get recognized and just close enough for him to sprint there without being caught. This must have been a preconceived plan for sure.

I briskly walked down the street, trying my best to keep my hair covering my face. Sometimes even I can get recognized by Harry's crazy fans, especially in my hometown. I must have been doing a bit too good a job blocking my face because I smacked right into a couple of guys walking past me.

"Woah!" A brown haired boy exclaimed.

"Ow!" I said. His chest was so hard it felt like I had run into a brick wall. I look up and the color drains from my face.

"J-Jason?" I ask stupidly. Of course it's him; the dreamy blue eyes, defined facial structure, white teeth, tanned skin, toned abs...who else could it be but Mel's 3 year crush?

"Mel's friend? Hey, long time no see," he said, giving me a ravish smile.

Wow. We've been in school together since kindergarten and he still doesn't know my name. I give him a fake smile in return saying, "yup! Um sorry for the run in."

"York! Hows the good life?" I turned to another familiar face, Jason's best friend Ben. He smiles at me, his blonde hair just above his eyes and dimples popping from his cheeks.

"Well, it's been a hell of a ride...," I say, giving him a half smile. I look past his toned shoulders and realize that I am literal steps from Dunn Bros.

"Look, I gotta run..nice seeing you guys!" I say, trying to push past.

"Woah wait a sec," Jason said, grabbing my arm. "Do you know where I might find Mel?"

Before I can even answer, Ben cuts in. "You do realize York has been touring with Harry Styles for a month now right? She just got back today."

" did you know I was flying in today?" I ask. The only person I talk to back home is Melanie so I don't know how he even knows this.

"Um...I saw he posted his tour dates on twitter," Ben says, a red glow filling his face.

"Okay, quit flirting," Jason said. "We have to find Melanie. I need to explain to her that I wasn't doing anything with Michelle Saturday. She just happened to take a picture right at the wrong time..."

Ben rolled his eyes and pursed his lips, following Jason down the sidewalk. I giggled as he mimicked Jason's "accidental" muscle flex on the way out. Ben is a good kid. It was sweet of him to keep tabs on me like that.

I finally stagger into the coffee shop, a dingy and dimly lit joint with so little customers there was only one employee. I spotted them immediately in the back booth; Mel was dressed to the 9s and Harry wore an old sweatshirt and was equipped with a pair of dark glasses. They sat side by side and Mel was pressing herself so close to him that Harry had no space between him and the wall.

"Ahm," I said, interrupting Melanie's contagious laughter. They both look up, Mel's lips forming an O. A second later her surprise is gone and she is on her feet, arms wrapped around me.

Oxymoron Of UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora