Chapter 12

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After a few embarassing speculations from my mom, I jumped into the passenger seat of Ben's black truck. The thing was so high off the ground I'm surprised I didn't trip.

"So," I said once we were both situated. "Where are we going?"

Ben laughed. "A bit impatient, are we? Just relax...we'll be there soon enough!"

I huffed, looking out the window at the houses I've lived by my whole life. For some reason, they almost seem endearing to me now, even the one with the smashed in window that always used to creep me out. 

The sun is setting, the light glistening off the city. We must be headed somewhere among the glistening buildings and the constant bustle of Chicago. I wonder what Mel's doing right now. With the sudden change of my night I totally forgot that she was gallivanting about with my jerky boss. I bite my lip. I hope he's been treating her would be horrible if he took advantage of Mel's obsession with him. 

"So York...How's life on the road been treating you?" Ben asked smiling. I guess he figured he needed to snap me out of my comatose thinking state. 

"Oh it's been good, I guess, as good as it can be while working for a stuck up celebrity," I said, rolling my eyes and smiling. 

Ben looked at me at a bit shocked. "Wow I thought all girls drooled over that guy. I'm surprised, Glencord. No offense, but you strike me as the type of girl who hangs a life-sized Justin Bieber poster on her door." 

I blush, partially because of his use of my last name and partially from his assumption. "What? No way! That's Melanie, not me. I'm more into female celebrities; fashion icons like Kylie Jenner or Rhianna," I said pointedly. I don't want Ben to think I am just another obsessive fan girl. Now that I think about it, I bet everyone who doesn't know me very well thinks just that. Why else would someone become  a Youtuber and score a job working up close and personal with a 13-year-old girl heartthrob? 

Ben raised an eyebrow at me then laughed. "You are something else, Glencord," he said. 

What is with him calling me that? Before today, I didn't even know he knew my first name, let alone my last name. I used to just wander the halls in Melanie's shadow, trying not to be seen. I may have a huge online following, but I guarantee that less than 10 of those followers were from my high school. 

"Can I ask you something?" I said. I just have to know what exactly is going on right now.

"If it's about the surprise, I'm still not telling," Ben said with a smirk. 

"No, it's not that, although I am still curious. I guess I just don't get why you all of  a sudden want to hang out. Before, I'm pretty sure you never knew I existed," I said, looking away. This isn't the sort of thing normal people discuss of the first date. But, then again, this was my first first date so who am I to know the proper etiquette?

Ben is silent for a moment before finally answering. "You're right in a way I guess. But with this whole stylist gig you got I realized how cool of a person you really were."

Although I am sure he was trying to be sweet, I couldn't help but frown. Association with a celebrity shouldn't be the reason people finally saw me as my own person, not just Melanie's friend. That should be something I orchestrate on my own. I guess I've always been aware of my wallflower status but until now I thought no one else had noticed that fact. 

I forced a half smile and said, "right." Quickly changing the subject I pointed out the window at the Willis tower. 

"Wait, is that where were going?" I asked, grinning. Out of all the cliche tourist attractions, the Sears tower has always been my favorite. The breathtaking view and adrenaline rush from being totally encased in glass is something I could never get used to. 

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