Chapter 8

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I lay on the white linens of my hotel room bed in pure misery. What was supposed to be a reunion with regular living turned into a living hell. All I could think about was what Harry has been texting Melanie ever since that moment on the bus. The ping! of his phone was all I could hear the whole way to the hotel and no matter how hard I tried to peek over his shoulder he always found a way to block me. With his efforts and the occasional scowl from Josh, I had no choice but to miserably let the event unfold. I had tried texting, calling, snapchatting, facetiming, and even DMing Melanie to no prevail. 

I groaned with frustration and kicked off my clothes. It was yoga pants and messy bun time for sure. I pulled out my laptop and brought up You Tube. Maybe that would calm my nerves. As soon as I opened my computer I gasped. My home feed was full of vicious gossip channels showcasing pictures of me from the last few days taken from who knows where. All of their click-baity titles said things like "York a Slut?" and "The dirty Truth about JustYork." The most appalling picture was one of me in my swimsuit that night of the hotel room with Harry's silhouette filling the doorway. Something stirred in my gut as the kiss I had been trying so hard to block out of my mind rushed back in like a hurricane. 

At that moment a loud pounding was heard on my door and I jumped from fright.

"Hey! Slut let me in!" a familiar voice yelled. Subtle Harry, real subtle. 

"No! Bug off," I yelled back. He had no right to barge in on me like this, especially after insulting me and sexting my friend for 6 hours. 


The door opened to a quite annoyed Harry. His hair was tousled from the long ride but his eyes were alert and stern. 

"What the hell is this?" Harry said, shoving his phone in my face. 

I rolled my eyes and said, "who the hell gave you a key card to my room?"

Harry ignored my question and said, "THIS is exactly the kind of thing we want to avoid, Six. Who took this for you?" 

"Are you KIDDING me? Why would I post something as horrible as that? Besides," I said, "you can't even tell that's you. Calm down, God."

Harry sighed, actually seeming to give in for once. "Okay...well there better not be anymore of this."

"Whatever," I said, lying on my stomach across the bed, facing away from him. 

I could feel Harry still standing behind me and suddenly grew self conscious. 

"Well? You can go now," I said pointedly. 

"What are you doing?" Harry said, completely ignoring my request. 

"None of your damn business," I said grumpily.

Before I even knew what was happening, Harry snatched my laptop. "Hey! That's the second time today!" I said, jumping up.

Harry planted himself on the side of my bed. "Lets see what dirty York has on her laptop..," Harry said, looking through my photos. After zooming in on Melanie's boobs a few times, he moved into my movie folder. 

"Hm...Forrest Gump, Easy A, Star Wars...really Six? Lame," I rolled my eyes, standing behind him. I gave up on trying to get my positions back; there was nothing to hide on their anyways.

"Oh oh oh what do we have here?" Harry snickered.

Except for that. 

"I didn't know you were into whips, Six," Harry said, clicking on Fifty Shades of Grey.

"I'm not! I just love the love story and the characters. It's really beautiful how Ana teaches Christian what love is and...," I stopped dead in my tracks as Harry eyed me up like I was some kind of idiot. "Yup. You caught me. Chains, it," I said sarcastically. 

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