Chapter 3

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I'm pretty sure Melanie's scream can be heard in Canada. I cover my ears with shaking hands, not knowing how I feel right now. Like, my life just changed in about two minutes; if it was for better or for worse I could not tell.

Melanie wrapped her arms around me tightly, dragging me off the bed.

"OH MY GOD WE ARE MEETING HARRY FREAKING STYLES! YOU ARE TOURING WITH HIM ALL OVER THE WORLD! THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY ENTIRE EXISTENCE!!!" She says, shaking me up and down, and dancing around the room. I felt my entire body shaking in shock. I wasn't quite sure what to feel. I had wanted to work for Nikki Minaj for so long now, and I hate Harry. But this is such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that there is no reason NOT to be happy!
So instead of being happy or mad, I simply let Melanie move me around like a rag doll.

"THIS IS SO AMAZING LIKE I COULD PEE MYSELF!" she shouted, tears literally streaming down her face. "YOU HAVVEEE TO PROMISE ME THAT I WILL GET TO MEET HIM! YOU HAVE TO Y!!!"

Instead of responding, I simply nod my head. I look around the room and see all those pretty boy faces staring at me with their too white teeth and lip gloss. Suddenly, all the colors of the posters kind of swirl together, then everything goes dark.

I wake to someone shaking my shoulder hard

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I wake to someone shaking my shoulder hard. I groan and open my eyes to see Melanie above me, looking down with wide eyes.

"OH MY GOD Y, ARE YOU DEAD?!" She yells at me, making my head throb. I glare at her in annoyance. Wasn't it obvious that I was alive?

"Yea....what just happened...?" I reply still kinda out of it.

"Well, I was asking you if you'd promise me that I could meet Harold, and then your eyes kinda went like this," Mel rolls her eyes back looking zombie-like. "Then BAM you were on the ground. You must have passed out! ARE YOU OKAY?!" she asked, her voice rising at the end.

"I would be if you'd stop yelling like that!" I said, rubbing my temples. I shakily stand, grabbing my phone off Mel's bed.

"We NEED to have a sleepover!! I mean, excuse my french, but FUCKING KATIE GAVIN TWEETED ABOUT YOU!" Melanie exclaimed. Her eyes were so wide I thought that they might pop out of her head.

"Who the hell is Katie Gavin anyways?" I ask, annoyanve clearly showing on my face.

Melanie rolls her eyes in exasperation. "Um only one of the members in MUNA, the opening act for Harry's new tour!"

Like that's just something everyone should know, like tieing a shoe or starting a lawnmower.

I shake my head quickly, heading to her door. I needed time to process this myself before sharing it with anyone. I also need to tell my mother. 

"I'm not feeling very well, I think I'm just going to go home." I say, walking out her bedroom door. 

Surprisingly, Mel let me go. I am still trying to figure out how she understands me so well. She always seems to know when I need my space.

 She always seems to know when I need my space

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

My mom finally got back home around 9:00. The minute she got home, she already was calling my name. "York! Come help me put away the groceries please!" 

I stand up and head down the stairs. Ever since I got back from Mel's I have left my phone off. I just can't deal with all of that right now. 

"How was your day Honey?" mom asked, handing me a brown paper bag.

"Mom, something happened today." I say confidently. 

 Sensing my serious tone, Mom sets down her paper bag and looks at me nervously. "Whats wrong Y? Are you hurt?"

I shake my head and decide to just tell her straight out. "The Nikki Minaj contest ended and I lost...but then I got a call from Harry Styles' manager saying that I could work for him...I think I want to accept the offer." 

The expression on my mom's face was priceless. "WHAT?! You mean the lead boy who was in that incredibly popular boy band you HATE? Oh honey...I'm sorry you didn't win the contest, but this is still an extraordinary opportunity. How long will you be gone? When do you leave?" My mom looked as if a volcano erupted in her head. 

Despite the circumstances, a smile cracks accross my face. Even though the man is an obnoxious,self-absorbed, untalented low-life, I was chosen to be a stylist for a celebrity. My career will rise like a hot airballoon. That is, as long as mom lets me drop the sand bags.

"That's the thing. I would be starting in three days. I would travel with the tour bus for who knows how long and into who knows how many countries," I said as fast as I could, hoping she misssd the full extent of my words.

Mom smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Go get 'em York Glencord. This is your dream and I don't plan to be the one to stop you."

"Thanks mom," I said, smiling broadly.

At that moment,Melanie burst through the door, a giddy smile covering her face.

"I'm sorry Y, I just couldn't stop thinking about it all!" she exclaimed through huffs of breath. Melanie hates running, but she must have made an exception.

Then, all at once, I could contain myself no longer.

"OH MY GOSH I AM GOING TO BE FAMOUS!" I squealed, jumping up and down with Melanie following suit.

My mom laughed and shook her head, muttering something along the lines of "they are just like me when I was that age."

Mel and I ran up the stairs to my room and I instanly pulled out my phone. I had so many notifications I didn't know where to begin. Everyone from my cousin to ragdoll16 was tweeting, texting, or snapchatting me.

"Y, you are already famous! Look at all the people who have followed you," Mel said as she peeked over my shoulder.

We sat on my bed for hours, talking about what could happen. Mel mainly imagined scenerios where she and Harry would meet and fall in love, where I imagined havung to put my fingers through that greasy mop.

"You know, he really needs me in jis life," I noted to Mel. "That dude is a clueless wonder when it comes to hair."

That lead to an arguement that lasted until about midnight. I don't understand how Mel cared about Harry Styles so much that she felt the need to defend even his slimy locks.

When I finally lay down in my bed, I couldn't sleep. It's curious how much one day, one tweet, can impact the whole course of your life.

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