Chapter 7

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Gel drips off of Harry's arm. He slowly pulls his chair out and stands up, his back still to me. 

"That's what you deserve you privileged, selfish brat," I said, placing my hands on my hips. 

Harry still hasn't turned around and I start tense up. What's he going to do?

Melissa has finally quit her banter and is staring at Harry's arm, mouth wide open. Her  eyes are as big as baseballs and her little pale hands cover her heart, like she was the one hit. 

Harry flicks his arm a few times, gel splattering on the floor. Then, he calmly grabs a towel, wipes his arm off, and sits back down in his chair. 

"Continue," he mutters between clenched teeth. 

I started to walk back over, actually regretting my actions. I like the Harry who challenges me with witty insults much better than this cold, calm version of him. 

"Not you," he says as I make my way towards him. "Her."

Melissa's eyes widen and she shakes her head vigorously.  

"No way umm Mr. Styles...I'm the assistant! I'm not qualified! York makes videos and has all sorts of followers and smart tips and..," Melissa could've gone all night if Harry hadn't stopped her.

"Fine," he said with an exasperated sigh. "Six, get over her and do your job. Now would be nice."

I briskly walk over and start going for the products I had laid out. Harry puts his hand up to block me and points to a black bag with the letter HS embroidered on it along with a flower pattern. I roll my eyes but don't comment. I felt like I want to scream, this asshole makes me so mad. He is just so conceited, something I cannot stand about a person. 

Melissa hands me the black bag and I go to work. The whole time, Harry keeps throwing in comments of his own, critiquing my work. And one thing that I hate more then douchiness is a critique from a douche. 

"Hey Six, I like the back of my hair parted slightly to the left of the front. It gives it a more rugged look while still appearing put together, you know?" Harry said, looking at me in the mirror.

I blow a loose strand of hair out of my face and say, "yes, okay sir will do."

And with that, I part the back of his hair slightly to the left.

Harry looks at it with disapproval, saying, "sorry, love, that is much too much to the left. Try again."

And so the process went on for an entire hour. I have to admit, I'm pretty proud of myself for not breaking. 

When I had finished, Harry nodded and left to a changing room. I sighed in relief that he was finally out of my care. I grabbed a few bottles, putting them in the bag. Melissa silently joined me, giving me nervous glances the whole time.

"What?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at Melissa.

"N-nothing miss, it's just...I didn't think you would do something like that! Harry is so...famous," she breathed, for once stopping to constant babble usually flowing from her mouth. 

I rolled my eyes. "Listen Melissa, he's just a person and a rather ass-hat of a person at that. Just because he's rich doesn't mean he should be allowed to treat me, or anyone for that matter, with disrespect. He's nothing more than a person, not anymore than you or me. I've always viewed celebrities that way; they are just people thrown into a spotlight whether they wanted that or not."

I looked over at Melissa and noticed, to my dismay, she was looking at me like I was an alien. 

"What?" I said, as my cheeks turned pink. I had just went preachy and deep with a girl I had just met an hour ago. Great first impression York.

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