Chapter 16

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Me: what is that supposed to mean?

Mel: well i just wouldn't use those terms

Me: Mel i swear u didn't

Mel: well not THAT but

Me: oh god I don't even wanna know


Me: no im mad at you and that's disgusting

Mel: oh come one Y its fine

Me: no its not u dont get it

Mel: what r u talking bout

Me: meet me at noon - coffee

Mel: Harry coming?

Me: ur impossible

I walked briskly down the side walk on the way to my lunch break and death talk with Mel. I can't believe she even went to first base with that douche bag. At least I hope that's the only base she got to.

I opened the door to our place and sat in our spot. I ordered my usually cappuccino and waited for Mel to come. I ran my hands through my hair and bit my lip. For some reason I can't brush away the thought of Mel and Harry together out of my mind. I feel bile forming in my throat and suddenly I don't feel the greatest. I take a big swig of my coffee, burning the taste from my throat. I can't get emotionally distracted; I have Melanie to deal with.

That's how it's always been, really. You could say I'm the sane one in our friendship, the rock. My life has always been uneventful so it made sense for me to be there for Melanie's emotional roller coaster. I can't let that pattern end now- especially not over something so infuriating. Melanie's well being is all I care about.

"Hey York!" an overly cheerful Melanie said as she walked towards our booth.

"Mel," I said, folding my fingers in front of me.

"Look, I know you think this is wrong but think of the CHILDREN," Mel whined giving me her most obnoxious pouty face.

"This isn't funny Mel," I said with an exasperated sigh. "Harry isn't as angelic as you think he is. After literally every show he brings a slut to his hotel room. Every morning I see them in the lobby, fake nails plastered all over him. He even sexts them on the bus for crying out loud."

Mel just looks at me, blinks a few times, than laughs. She laughs.

"He's a guy, Y, what else would he do? But he assured me that I'm different," Mel said, a dreamy look in her eye.

"You're delusional," I said bluntly. How was I supposed to convince a Directioner to break it off with the band's most prominent member?

"Am not! It's just all so surreal," Mel said, still in her reverie.

"You do realize we leave tomorrow, right?" I said. Mel is going to loose it when she sees Harry with some blonde bimbo from Vegas in the tabloids, but at least then she'll break out of her irrationality.

To my surprise, a big smile broke across Melanie's face.

"So I kind of get to come with!" Mel squealed.

My mouth fell ajar.

"You WHAT? What the HELL Melanie why would you do something like that? How were you even allowed to do that?" I asked.

"Geez York I thought you would be happy I'm coming! Harry worked it all out with Josh. Apparently he seemed happy to let me tag along!" Mel said, grinning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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