Chapter 14

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I bit my lip. How did he know?

"The bus driver saw the whole thing play out on his BusWatch cam," Josh said, sighing. "I'm afraid we are going to have to kick you off our team, Miss Glencord. You have become a nuisance and a distraction that Harry can't afford on his team. I regret to inform you that after tonight's show, you will leave the premises," he said, the small smile on his face showing no regret.

I looked at him in shock. It can't be over. I had just gotten started! Even though I complain a lot and even if my boss is an asshole and his manager is an even bigger one I don't want to leave!

My heart aches at the thought of this being my last show. This, of course, is due to the thought of failing my dreams. It has nothing to do with Harry...

"Lucky for me, we are in your home city so I won't even have to pay for transportation," Josh said folding his hands in his lap. 

"What the hell do you mean she's leaving?!" 

I looked behind me to see Harry charging down the aisle, eyes locked on Josh. Tears blurred my vision, but the crazy curls and tattooed arms gave away his identity.

"Now Mr. Styles, I assure you I am not firing her without cause. It is braking proper protocol to-" 

"I don't give a fuck what you're talking about! York has done a great job and I'm not letting your petty ass go off and drop her just like that! Who the hell would even replace her? We have no time!"

Josh picked at his nails, a bored look on his face. "Now Mr. Styles, you know I am in charge of these matters. So please, take a seat and stay quiet while I deal with Ms. Glencord's paperwork."

Harry was steaming, jaw clenched, knuckles white-much like last night. I sat in bewilderment, my mouth ajar and eyes wide. All Harry ever did was complain about my skills, my choices, and my attitude. Now he's standing in front of me, defending my job. 

"To hell with you! You would be nothing without me, my talents," Harry yelled. 

"Ah Harry, you wouldn't even be on this tour if it wasn't for me," Josh said shaking his head. "If you don't sit down this instant, I'm calling your father."

I watched Harry, knowing that such a petty threat wouldn't phase him at all. To my shock, Harry's eyes widened, showing something I've never seen before-fear?

"Do whatever you want Josh. Just don't fire York," Harry said sternly. 

"Fine. But in exchange, you will travel for another 50 shows on this tour," Josh said with a smug expression. 

Harry's shoulders dropped and his gaze fell to his feet. "Fine," he muttered.

"W-wait! You don't have to do that Harry. It's okay," I said, biting my lip and holding back my tears. I was not about to let him stick his neck out for me. Heck, I thought he'd be happy I was out of the picture. The whole thing was just bizarre and I don't like it. 

Harry turned to me, his green eyes soft, a hand running through his hair. "Yes I do," he said before sitting down. "I know how much this job means to you. Melanie showed me some of your videos. You're really good, York."

Once again, I was shocked. "Y-you watched my videos?" I whispered back. 

Harry nods. "I tweeted a few too. You should have more followers than you do." 

"But why-" 

Harry shrugged. "I'm not so bad, eh York?" 

He looked tired, and a bit over worked. That must be why he suddenly wanted to  support me. 

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