New Neighbor

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Done! Now I can show Sara my track and see if she'll approve of the mix. I closed my laptop and put it in my back pack. I wrapped my headphones around my neck letting the cord of it hang loose. I pulled the flash drive out of my laptop and stuffed it in my pocket. I fixed my Yankees hat and walked to school.

As soon as I arrived the first person to run up to me was Kate. She was my friend from elementary and now we're freshman. "Hey Cass, so did you finish the track?" She asked. "Mhm."

"Great! Sara should be in the main office." I smiled. "Thanks!" I paced all the way to the main office where I saw Mrs. Drew. "Hello Cassidy, Sara is in the print room." I nodded and got out my flash drive. I saw Sara walking out to the hall. "Sara!" She turned around with a welcoming smile.

"Hello Cassidy! Did you finish?" She asked. I nodded and handed her my flash drive. "Okay, I'll make sure to have a approval after school." I nodded. "Thank you!"

This was only the beginning of my career. I want to become a DJ for spinning records or monster cat. Either one, I'll be happy. I started to look for Kate. I spotted her with Jesse. "Oh hey Jess." I said giving him a fist bump.

"Sup Cass, liking the new hairstyle." I had a side braid with my Yankees hat backwards. "Thanks, it's always good to try something new." He smiled. Ring ring! The bell rang and soon the school halls became a stampede. It was rush hour, more like five minute rush.

I finally made my way to science class. This was my second favorite class. Of course my other favorites band but, science is pretty cool. I took out my notes and started studying for the quiz we had on geology.

After science was math. I took out my notes and started studying for the test on symmetry. Today was Friday, and it was all quizzes and tests for me. After taking the math test I took out a sheet of paper and started writing short lyrics.

Catch me before I fall on to the ground

Never let me go

Running out of time

Every step I take

Just small lyric ideas. "What'cha doing?" I jumped in my seat. I looked behind me and saw Freddy Finn. He was creepy and always wore a fedora. "Writing short lyrics." I said while writing another.

The bell rang and all of us rushed to the door. Now I had English luckily Kate and I have the at least one class together. "Hey Kate, so did you finish English homework?" I asked. "I can't remember if I did it or not."

"We had to read The Outsiders chapters four and five." Oh okay, I did do it. Pony boy and Soda pop! "Oh okay." I'm glad that Mrs. May doesn't give out to many quizzes, cause that would just put a whole lot of pressure on me. She was an older woman and was a little strict.

Finally after two periods, it was finally lunch. I sat down with Kate, Jesse, and Owen. Owen was my cousin. He was a huge soccer player and loved my music.

"So did you hear?" Owen asked. "What?" I ask taking a bite of my tuna sandwich. "That Collins Key is coming to LA!" I cocked my head to the left. "You know the youngest and greatest magician to ever live?" Owen asked again. I nodded.

"Oh you mean that guy that was on AGT?!" Kate said. "AGT?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "America's Got Talent." I nodded putting a potato chip in my mouth. "Oh! I know who your talking about now!" Jesse said. We all sighed. Really?

"Doesn't Collins have a brother?" Kate asked, she sounded like she was interested in the subject. "Brother?" I asked. "Yup, his name is Devan, I think." Jesse replied.

He's the Key to My heartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang