D-E-V-A-N, Devan

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"I wonder how we are going to tell the others." Devan said. Laying down on my bed. "I don't know either." I relplied. He sat up an glanced at me an smiled. "What are you smiling about?" I giggled. He looked down and blushed. "I'm just lucky."

"Why are you lucky?" I walked over and say next him. "Because I have you." I smiled and gave him a kiss. The doorbell rang. "Who's that?"

"Oh yeah, I thought we should tell the others, together," I replied. I walked downstairs and opened the door to find all the neighborhood squad, Kate, Jesse, Emily, and Owen. "Hey guys come on in."

"Hey, what's going on?" Tanner asked. I thought it was cute how Isabella and Tanner were holding hands. "Umm, Devan! Come down!" Devan came downstairs. "Hey guys."

"Sup dude you've been missing in action!" Owen said playfully punching Devan's arm. They all said there hellos and then Devan stood beside me. "Okay so we have an announcement!"

They all looked confused. "We together!" Devan and I said. "Finally!" Kate shouted. "What!" Owen shouted. "Yes! The ship has sailed, you owe me eight bucks Zak." Zak sighed. "What, you guys were betting."

Zak sighed. "Pleasure doing business with ya." Jesse said, pocketing the money. I rolled my eyes. "What? You end up with this goofball?" Isabella asked. "Listen here D-E-V-A-N, Devan. You break her heart blockhead I will make sure your head turns into a block!" Isabella shouted. Devan nodded an smiled.

"Yeah! You hurt her we hurt you!"

"Same here!"

"Okay, I get it guys." Devan said. I cracked a smile at him. "Okay, so what else?" Jesse asked crossing his arms. "Nothing else. That's it." Jesse looked confused. "You mean to tell me yourself me come over just to tell us you're dating oh hell no, we are going out." I shrugged. "Okay, where!"

    "City Walk!" I sighed. "We've been there a million times!" I replied crossing my arms. "How about Anaheim?" Kate asked with a eyebrow raised. "But there isn't anything in Anaheim." She dropped her jaw. "What did I say to you a couple days ago, close it your not a cod fish."

   Everybody started laughing. "You seriously don't know?" Owen asked. "Come on cuz? You're better than this." I thought long and hard. "Umm."

"DISNENYLAND! COME ON CASS!" Owen shouted. Isabella's facial expression lit. "Wow! Are we really going to Disneyland?" She asked. "What about Disneyland?" Jesse and Owen exchanged looks. "You have a pass right?" All of the kids said thy do, especially Zak, his family literally goes every weekend. "Yeah why?" I asked. "Devan? Do you have a pass?" He nodded. "We'll just buy you a ticket hopper." He shrugged.

"Wait, we're not going to Disneyland right this second are we?" I asked. "Yeah why not?" I sighed. "Jesse this takes months to plan." He hunched over and pouted. "How about we go next week on Thursday. Yeah we'll miss a day of school, but who cares?" I asked. "That sound great! But we better tell our teachers a head of time." We all nodded.

"Okay, second we need transportation who's going to drive us to Anaheim?" Devan replied with," Collins will do it. He has a pass." I nodded. "Okay who's is able to go?" Isabella raised her hand. Kate, Jesse, and Owen raised their hands. Zak and Tanner were able to, and so is Finny. Hanna didn't raise her hand. "What's keeping ya?"

"I have a dentist appointment." I nodded. "Okay, so I guess most of us are going Disney. Let your brother know right now." Devan walked out and headed next door. "Okay, you guys go tell your parents! Quickly! I also gotta call my mom."

They all scattered across the neighborhood. I liked up the house phone and dialed my moms cell phone number.


"Hey mom! Where do you keep your Disneyland passes?" I asked. "Oh are you going somewhere." She asked.

"I'm going with Devan, Isabella and the other kids on the block." I replied. "They're in my room, in the first drawer of my night stand."

    I quickly ran upstairs and looked in the drawer. "Okay found it." She laughed. "Don't loose it! Okay?" I giggled. "Okay."

"Hey mom now that your on the phone, I have too tell you something."

"Sure what is it?" I took a deep breathe. "Devan and I are together now." There was pause, and inside the fear was stuck in one place. "It's about time." She laughed. I let out my relief. "Oh god, I thought you were going to be like, 'oh okay then' but no you're totally chill about it." I said.

"Why? Do you want me to be concerned?"

"No, I'm glad your okay with it, I just wasn't expecting that to be your reaction." She giggled. "Okay, mom I have to go, I can hear Owen calling my name."

   "Okay bye sweetie be careful." I nodded. "Okay, bye mom." I hung up and stuffed the pass in my pocket. "Cassidy! Did you get your pass?" I heard Owen shout. "Yeah!" I ran downstairs to see Owen panting with his hands on his knees. "Did you run all the way from your house to mine?" He nodded. "Okay, I'm good, I got my pass, so is it all planned."

"Pretty much." I said. Devan walked in with a pass in his hand. "Turns out Collins and I do have a pass." I smiled, "Great! Less money to spend." He smiled and came over to me and hugged me from behind. "Guys get a room." Owen said making a face full of disgust. "Jeez."

Okay Disneyland here we come!

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