First Day of School

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"Are you and Devan walking today?" Mom asked. I nodded. "Hey Cassidy, you know I love you right?" I stopped chewing my pancakes and looked at my mother in horror. "Yeah.........."

"Do you like Devan?" I choked literally. I drank my water and to a moment to catch my breathe. "What?" My mom smiled. "Do you like Devan." A weird feeling started to come over my chest. "No, why?" My mom smiled. "Okay."

I grabbed my backpack and wade out the door. I walked over to Devan's house. Of course I didn't have to walk far. "Oh hey Cassidy!" Collins said. He offered me to come inside. Inside was a nice white bookcase. I saw a deck of cards sitting on top of the books case. We walked towards the living room. They had a nice black leather couch, and a nice black modern coffee table that was topped with a tray that had mason jars filled with black pens. The living room was had a lot of decor.

"Like why you've done with the place." I said. "Thanks." I heard someone come downstairs. It was a girl, a girl with brown hair and he had brow eyes. "Oh Cassidy this is Madison, Madison-Cassidy." I smiled and held my hand out for her to shake. She starred at me blankly. Then her phone rang. "Hello?" She walked away continuing the conversation. I sighed as a hand was put on my shoulder.

"She's, kind of quiet and can be kind of rude, but once you get to know her, she actually quite nice." I nodded. "Okay, I hope I can get to know her." I smiled weakly.

"Devan! Hurry up!" Collins shouted. "I'll go check on him." Madison said running into the room. Then she ran up the stairs. "Is she your sister or......"

"She's a friend of ours." Collins replied. I nodded. Devan came down stairs with Madison. She smiled and put her chin on his shoulder. "Alright you guys go walk!" She said.

"How old is she?" I whispered. "Fifteen." I nodded again. "Okay you ready?" Devan asked. "Yeah let's go. Madison are you also coming to the high school?" I asked. "I'm going somewhere different. Rams High School, they have a awesome choir." I smiled. "Oh cool."

The Rams and Weston Bulls are number one enemies.......I wonder if Devan knows that. "Okay let's go."

"So Madison huh?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" I shrugged. "I don't know when I first met her this morning she didn't seem so, nice. She started at me and when her phone rang he answered it like I was invisible." I explained. "Are you jealous?" Devan smiled. "Why would I be jealous of her?"

His smile faded. "Oh I don't know." We arrived at school and right away Kate, Jesse, and Owen were waiting at the entrance. "Hey! Look! It's Devan!" Owen cheered. "Hey what's up man!" They did their whole bro hug thing.

"Well now that your here, let's go walk around." Kate smirked.

"Oh my god! Your Collins Key's little brother Devan!" Some girls shouted. He said hi to some people he was popular right away. "You should totally DJ for the Sunset Dance that's coming up?" I flinched. Great there goes my heart pounding out of its chest again. I felt my face get hot and red. "Well Cassidy DJ's but we already know what she's capable of."

"What? I have a lot of new stuff coming Katrina Reid." I snapped. Katrina Reid and I never got along. "Well Cassidy? Hurry your damn butt! We want to here new stuff!" I took astro forward ready go charge but Devan put his arm to my chest. I backed away.

"Cool, we'll see you soon." Katrina fluttered her eyes. "Okay, bye Devan, hope to see you in class!" She blew a kiss. Shivers went down my back. "I swear she's a flirt, and a whor-" "Kate!"

Kate slouched with her bottom lip out. "Sorry." She snapped crossing her arms. I sighed. "What's up with you and her?" Devan asked. I nodded. "I'll tell you later." We walked to the big pavilion. More people came to us. "Hey Cassidy! Are you DJing for the dance?" I smiled. "Why yes I am." Devan nudged my shoulder. "So Chris, are you decorating the dance again?" Chris Bautista, he usually plans all the school events. "Yeah! I'm so excited, has anyone asked you to the dance yet?" I nodded no. "Nah, well I'm going to provide music so...."

"Well you can just put it on a playlist and then have fun." I shrugged. "Oh well, okay." He smiled and then ran off. "Nobody's asked you to the dance?" Devan asked. "Eh, yeah." I said fixing my purple shirt. "Oh okay." He stuffed his hands in his pocket.

The bell rang and we all headed to class.

Time skip to Lunch.......

"Ugh! Great! I have to do a stupid Shakespeare project for history class." Kate whined. "Renaissance?" She nodded. "I have amazing classes my teachers are awesome!" Devan said. A couple girls came up to us, and one of them is Katrina and her little crew with Heather Sanchez and Veronica Reyes.

"Hey Devan," Katrina said sitting next to him. "Oh hey." She smiled. "So I was wondering, umm, maybe we can go to the Sunset Dance together?"

Please say no, please say no, please say no, please SAY NO!

"Umm," he paused and took a moment to think, the energy around us was so strong I almost lost my balance. I sat down and took a sip of my water. "Thanks but I had someone else in mind." I spit my water out. Soon all eyes were on me. I managed to crack a smile.

"Oh really? Who?" Katrina asked sounding annoyed. Devan stood up and took to the water bottle out of my hand and replaced it with his hand. "Cassidy, will you go to the Sunset Dance with me?"

"What's the catch?" I asked. "No catch." He smiled. I tuck my hair behind my ear. "Okay." He gave me a hug and I hugged him back. "Oh just kiss already!" Jesse and Owen shouted. I started to blush.

Going to the dance with Devan? And I said yes? Maybe I do like him.

He's the Key to My heartМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя