When the Sun Sets

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Okay today is the dance. This week went by in a flash. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a purple shirt with white headphones. I wore my hair down, curled with a curling iron and wore finger cut gloves. I also wore stockings with jean shorts over. And I wore my new black high tops.

"Okay, sweetie. Make sure you're back by eleven. It may be Friday but your still young." My mom said. "Don't worry about it mom. I'll be fine. I'll call you when I get to the school." I looked outside and saw Kate waiting outside. She wore a soft pink party dress with ruffles, my dress was in its garment bag. I had a purple dress.

"Okay, so where's Devan?" Kate asked. "He's next door right over here. Come on." We walked up the steps to his door. "Cassidy?" Madison asked. "Hey Madison. Madison meet Kate, Kate Madison." I introduced. Kate waved, but Madison have her the blank stare like she gave me when I first met her. "Devan its for you!" She shouted towards us, making me fling and cover my ears. Devan came down with a nice shirt and skinny jeans. He looked really, really, really, hot-I-I mean nice. Nice. He looked very nice. Oh god.

"Hey, you guys look awesome." Devan said. I smiled. "Kate you look good, where did you get that dress?" Madison butted in. "Oh at Princessa it's a shop at the mall." Devan walked outside. "Goodbye Madison!" She stuck her tongue out and smiled. She waved goodbye and slammed the door shut.

"Okay, then let's go. Are we meeting the others at the park?" Devan asked. "When we plan something, it's always at the park. It's the number one meet up spot, unless we say otherwise." I replied fixing my headphones around my neck.

We arrived at the park and saw Jesse and Owen, but there was someone else there to. It was another girl. "Hey guys and?" Kate said.

When the girl turned around I recognized her right away! It was our old neighbor Emily! She moved out of the neighborhood when we were in third grade, she's goes to the same school but we don't really talk as much anymore. "Hey Cassidy!" She said giving me a hug. "Hey Em, I wasn't expecting you." I replied.

"I'm so glad your back! We have so much to catch up on! How about after this! We head over to my house!" Kate suggested. "Guys we go to the same school, only difference is you don't talk to us anymore." I explained. Jesse slapped my arm. "Yeah sure, I need to see if that's okay with my parents." Emily replied. "I'm sorry Cassidy." She really should be. There was an awkward silence.

"We going to tell me what happened with you an her to?" Devan whispered in my ear. I nodded as I sighed. Everyone was able to go Kate's house. And we were off to the dance.

Once I arrived, everybody was pumped and everybody was shouting, screaming, and dancing. I put on one of my old friend Daniel Kim's remix of the songs that came out in twenty fourteen. (Remix in the beginning <-----)

It was amazing and it was awesome. Everybody was partying and everybody was dancing. It was one amazing night. "Cassidy come on! Time for your break." I took a deep breathe as I lifted my garment bag and headed to the restroom to change.

"Are you done yet?" Kate asked outside of the bathroom stall. "You need glasses have you first kiss with Devan tonight!" I opened the door and her eyes widened. "Oh my god! Devan is going to love you!" I blushed. "I'm not getting my first kiss tonight and I don't want it yet." Kate smirked. "I mean I don't think he loves me, I think he loves me as a friend." I quickly replied. She smirked again. "Mhm." Worst thing was that she did it in the Brent Rivera way.

"Let's go, Cassidy." She smiled. I smiled and we both walked out. We both saw Emily running toward us. "There you guys are!" She said wiping her forehead even though there wasn't any sweat to wipe off. "What's wrong?"

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