Sometimes Life Can Be a Beach

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The night we came home from Disney was rough. Collins drove Devan and I back home, but while we were in the car, Devan had tweeted a picture of us together with the caption," with my favorite girl."

I leaned forward to reach him in the passenger seat. "Hey, I like your tweet," I whispered in his ear. I could see him smirk from the side mirror. Today was probably one of the best days of my life.

A couples days later, some friends and I decided to go to the beach to hang out. Jesse and I were getting a ride from my mom while Kate and Owen got a ride from her mom. I texted Kate.

Hey, so are we going to the beach tonight?


Ya we r going a at 4

ok cewl

As time passed, I finished homework and cleaned up around the house. "Cass, you ready to go?" mom asked. I quickly got my bag and towel as I ran out into the garage.

I arrived at the beach and saw Owen and Kate sitting on a towel together. Owen was wearing earphones and screaming out different things while Kate was tell him to quiet down. Jesse and I walked to the spot to figure out they were doing the whisper challenge. "Hey guys," Jesse smiled. Owen ripped the earbuds from his ears and tackled Jesse. I sat next to Kate.

"Hey Cassidy, you doing okay?" Kate asked, she seemed slightly concerned. "Yeah I'm fine, why?" I asked. Kate shrugged. "I don't know, all those comments seemed so harsh-I just didn't want you to feel down. Don't feel discouraged or anything okay?"

"Kate what are you talking about?" She frowned,"you didn't see Devan's post about you guys. I mean most of the comments are good but there's about an even amount of bad ones too." I opened my phone and opened Twitter. There a lot of comments saying that 'I'm not right for him' or 'wowzers, didn't think he would date someone like her' and the worst ones were 'she's kinda fat.' The comments tore my heart apart piece by piece. I closed my phone, and sat still. "Cassidy you know those horrible things aren't true. They're just jealous of you cause your dating a amazing guy they can never have a chance with." I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

"I don't know Kate, I'm not so sure how much I like the attention, wether it be good or bad," I said. Kate wrapped her arms around me," well, if anybody tries to hurt you, I'll be the first one they deal with." I chuckled and hugged her back. "I'm so lucky to have you as a friend."

"You know you're going to have to talk to Devan about this right?" I nodded. "Yeah I know. I'll talk to him tomorrow," I stood up and grabbed her arms," in the meantime let's go boogie boarding." Both of us ran to the water, the boys following behind us. Our day was filled with waves, ice cream, and sand
castles. It was a good distraction from all the hate about me on Devan's twitter post.

   After boogie boarding, the boys decided to go play beach volleyball while Kate and I walked along the beach.  "Cass, does Jesse talk about me at all?" Kate asked. "Uh, not really why," I asked. She shrugged," oh-just wondering."

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