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"Cassidy! Balloons?" Kate asked. "Yup, just a second." I filled up the lay balloon with water. We got out our slingshots and went in position behind the bushes. Right now Kate and I were in a water balloon fight with Owen, Jesse, and Devan. "Okay, targets in position, over." I said through my walkie talkie. So what if we're teenagers, we are still kids at heart.

"Okay, over." Kate replied. "Target acquired,over." I said again. I aimed my sling shot at Owen who was hiding behind the hedge right next to the kid swings. "Fire!" I whispered. The balloon hit Owen right in the face. "Owen down, over."

"Jesse down, over." Kate responded. "Where are you? Over."

"Next to the pool. Over." I looked over and saw Devan behind the pool statue. "Target acquired." I aimed my sling shot and water balloon at Devan right where it hurts. BOOM! Devan down.

"Ha! We win! We win! I don't have to kiss Devan!" I shouted. Emily, Kate and I cheered. I looked back at the boys. "Alright, you win but now you have to plastic wrap Mr. Burns car." I sighed and threw my slingshot down. "Fine, I guess you don't have to do that either." I smiled. "Thanks Jesse!"

I walked over to Devan and helped him up. "Hehe, you okay? Sorry I hit you on that spot." He laughed, "it's okay, if I were you I'd probably do the same." I smiled. "Alright live birds, let's go to City Walk!" Kate shouted. "What no way!" Jesse replied. "We gotta go help Leroy remember?" Kate asked. I nodded, "you coming?"

"I can't today, I'm supposed to help Collins with his YouTube video for a sibling tag." I nodded. "Okay, we'll see you when we get back." He nodded and gave me a hug. "Bye!" He replied. I waved.

"Oh come on!" Emily said. "What?" They all smirked. "We all know." I looked confused. "Know what?" Jesse slapped his hand on his forehead. "You and Devan are crushing on each other."

"Surprised he hasn't banged you yet." I gasped. "Owen! Dude! Not cool!" I yelled. "Oh come on, why won't you admit you like Devan?" Emily asked wrapping her arm around my neck. "Because I don't have to admit anything. I don't like Devan." I said getting out of Emily's grasp. "Okay, okay."

"Let's just go to city walk." I said. We all walked to City Walk and help Leroy with his work again. "Thanks again." He said handing a pass to a girl.

"Okay, now that's done, I gotta go, my mom wants me to help out with dinner tonight." Jesse said running off. "Same here, but my dad wants me to finish laundry, later!" Emily said walking away.

"Yeah, my parents want me to walk little Tori, gotta go." Kate replied and ran to her side of the neighborhood. I shrugged and walked home with Owen. But he ran off. So o just walked home, by myself.

"Mom! I'm home!" I shouted. I walked into the kitchen and found a note on the refrigerator door.

Dear Cassidy,
A late meeting is being held tonight and in going on a small business trip to San Diego, I'll be back on Thursday. Be good! There is six hundred dollars on the counter, if you need any help just ask Collins, he knows that your here. And tell that Devan kid to ask you to dinner.


I sighed, and stuck my bottom lip out. She thinks I like Devan. I FRICKEN DONT! I looked on the counter and saw the money. The doorbell rang. I looked through the peep hole and saw Devan and Collins.

"Hey guys." I said. "Hey Cass, we would like to ask you something." Collins said nudging Devan's arm. I looked at Devan. "Would you like to be in Collins YouTube video?" I nodded. "Yeah sure! Sounds like fun." I replied. I closed the door and walked next door.

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