A Diamond in The Ruff

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"Okay let's go!" Collins shouted from down stairs. I quickly got my pass and put on my blue sweat shirt. "Devan hurry up!" Collins shouted again. As I came downstairs, I saw Devan sprinting to the car. "Coming!"

"Alright, you guys bucked up?" Collins was giving Devan, Kate, Jesse, Owen and I a ride. "Yeah! I can't wait to go ride California Screamin!" Jesse said. "I want to go on Peter Pan's Flight!" Kate whispered. "Aww, man really? In riding Space Mountain!" I replied. Space Mountain was my favorite ride. It's so fast an it's in the dark, it's like I teleport into another world, and I like that because reality sucks.

"No way! We should go on Splash Mountain." Jesse added. "Well we'll ride all of those rides when we get there." Collins said.

After about thirty minutes or so we arrived at Disneyland. We quickly got in and a whole bunch of fans were there believe it or not. They all knew Collins and Devan, some even knew about me! I said hi and got a few pictures hear and there. "Woah."

   Now that I'm with Devan, I feel as if I were part of a different world. Like now I am part of his world. I am seem different and I feel different, but it's that good kind of different, I don't know, but Devan has changed my life, and I hope he will be there for the rest of my life.

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