Twitter VS Instagram

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I woke up and to receive a text from Jesse.

J: are we hanging at the park today?

C: yeah

J: is that new kid coming?

C: new kid?

J: your famous neighbor, Devan

C: how do you know?

J: Kate

C: of course, I'll ask if he can come hang meet up at eleven.

J: yea

I hung up and got dressed. I put on some jean shorts and a green day t-shirt. I put my hair in a ponytail and put a pair of green earrings on. I slipped on my black vans, and grabbed my lime green penny board. "Mom?"

"Yes?" "I'm meeting Jesse and Kate at the park. I'm going next door to ask Devan if he wants to come with. I'll call you when i come home." I opened the front door. "Okay be careful!"

I closed the door behind me and walked next door. I rang the door bell and waited. The door swung open. "Oh hey Cassidy!" Collins said. "Hey is Devan here?" He smiled and called for Devan. "Yeah?" I waved. "Hey some of my friends and I are going to the park wanna come with, I told them about you and they want to meet you." I smiled. "Okay, let me get my board."

"So, why did you move to LA?" I asked. "Well, my brother and I thought that we could get some by deals here in LA. So we want to be discovered." I nodded. "That's understandable, a lot of Youtubers and Stars live in these parts."

"Have you met any?" He asked. "Yeah. Conner Franta, JC Caylen, who else? Oh! I've met Cameron Dallas, and Matthew Espinosa." His eyes widened. "That's cool, so that means we might even see some other stars while we're hanging out."

"I guess." I replied. "Cassidy!" I looked and saw the one and only Cameron Dallas. "Hey Cam! Nash!" They waved and came running up to us. "Devan, meet Cameron Dallas and Nash Greir, guys this is Devan Key." I explained.

"No way! Dude I've heard your music it's amazing! And your brother is a really cool magician!" Nash said. Devan smiled. "Thanks."

"So where you guys headed?" Cam asked. "We're heading to the park." I replied. "Sweet well, see you around." We said goodbye and walked off to the park. "Dude, Cameron Dallas knows you, you didn't just meet him, your like his friend." I shrugged. "Maybe, but eh." We arrived at the park.

"Cas-OMG! It's Devan Key!" Kate shouted. "Woah, calm down, fangirl." I could see Devan blush from the corner of my eye. "I'm Jesse and that's Owen." Devan nodded. "In Kate, as that Cassidy, but I'm Kate." She said taking his hand and shaking it.

"Cool." There was an awkward a silence. "Okay Jesse, where are we going this time?" I asked. "City walk." I gasped. "All the way over there?" Kate asked. "What its not like it's an hour away?" I said.

"Okay, let's go." We all got on our boards and rode our way to City Walk. "Woooooohoo!" Jesse shouted. "Stop shouting!" All of us were laughing. "Do you guys do this every Saturday?" Devan asked. I nodded.

I started to tip over. "Woah." Luckily I caught myself. But Devan's hand was in mine. "You okay?" He asked. I nodded as he let go.

"Yay! We're here!" Kate cheered. "Okay where do-" "ARCADE!" I'm glad I have my wallet. "Okay arcade it is." We made our way to the arcade. We played ski ball, air hockey, and a lot more games.

"I challenge you to a air hockey game." Devan said. "Really?" I asked. "What's the prize?" I took a moment think. "You get to tweet something inappropriate on my Twitter account." I smiled. "And if you won you get to post something bad on my Instagram." I replied. "Deal?" "Deal."

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