Days 92-96

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Day Ninety-Two:

I made peace with Eleanor today. I know how much you didn’t like her, and she’s part of the reason you left, but I just couldn’t bear to leave without making sure every bridge I had burned was built back again.

Day Ninety-Three:

I spent the day at the studio with the boys, singing my heart out into the microphone to the new songs for the album. I felt a bit bad, because when I left they would be forced to create new recordings once again. I visited your grave once again, setting two roses at the foot of your headstone.

Day Ninety-Four:

Niall, Zayn, and Liam have insisted we try sight-seeing today. It’s crazy to think, that all this time I’ve lived in London, I’ve never seen half of the sights located within the city.

So today was spent with the boys again, hopping from tourist attraction to tourist attraction, taking various pictures with each other in front of the landmarks, as well as with some fans who happened to spot us. I didn’t mind it this time really, because the last of my days were meant to be well spent.

Day Ninety-Five:

Where’d you go? You weren’t in my dreams last night, and you didn’t sing with me when I sang to your grave. I’m starting to feel lonely again.

Day Ninety-Six:

I stopped by the store on the way home from the studio, making sure that none of the boys followed me in. I grabbed a large bottle of pills and bought them, without as much as a second glance from the cashier. I’m going the same way as you did Harry, I owe you that much.

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