Day 99 (My last day)

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Day Ninety-Nine:

I visited your grave one last time. I left a couple more roses in apologies for my absence the last couple days, but that shouldn’t matter within a couple of hours. I sang one last song to you, your all time favorite song, and I could finally hear you singing along with me. Your voice sounded closer now, and I knew that it was time.

I’m going to take the entire bottle of pills, and lock myself in your bedroom. I’m going to wear all of your clothes, so I can inhale the dissipating smell of you as I take my final breaths.Ninety-nine days without you has felt like an eternity, and it’s impossible to stay here any longer.

I have your journal and note in my trembling hands right now, and I’m nervous as fuck Harry, I hope you know that. I’m leaving these here with you, so they can be found easily once I’m gone. They were yours to begin with. My heart is poured out into this journal, and my heart is yours. I’ll be seeing you soon, I love you.

-Lou xx

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