Chapter 1

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*beep beep!

I rubbed my eyes as I got up, I stepped on a few sketches that fell off the bed as I was sleeping. One thing about me is I love to draw and I love tattoos even more. I turned off my tv that had black ink paused from the night before.

I walked to vanity, I looked in the mirror and looked at myself. I'm 23 and look pretty good to be divorced and the mother of a 5 year old.

I ruffled my hair a little and made my way to my daughter Milani's room. "Hey sweetie, it's your last day. Wake up"

As soon as she heard last day she was up and out of bed. "Does this mean daddy is gonna come get me today?" I forced a smile

"Yea he's gonna come get you after school" she smiled really wide and went brush her teeth and get ready

Once I knew she was situated I headed to my room to hop in the shower and get ready myself. I tied up my hair and hopped in. Once I was done I got out and dried off and started my regular hygiene.

I quickly grabbed a bra and underwear and put then on, next I grabbed my pair of scrubs. "I'm all done mom!"

I sighed and fixed my hair into a proper pony tail before grabbing my purse and keys. "Did you ea-" she cut me off "yes mom I ate cereal, come on mom, the faster I get there, the faster I get to see dad"

I rolled my eyes when she mentioned her father. When I was 18 Messiah my ex husband proposed to me, he was a U.S Marine and I was supposed to be his perfect house wife, after about 3weeks being married I found out I was pregnant. 5 years later a family wasn't enough for his life, he had sexual needs to be fulfilled by someone other than me.

I looked at Milani as she waited eagerly, I hated that I filed for divorce but I couldn't be the best mom to her sharing her father with multiple women.

"Alright let's go sweetie" I said grabbing a peach from the fruit basket.

I locked up the house and was immediately struck by florida's raging heat. I walked to the car and immediately put on the ac so Milani could be comfortable.

As the car cooled down I pulled out of the drive way and headed to Milani's school, when I pulled up to her school I helped her out and gave her a quick kiss "I love you more than I love strawberry ice cream" she giggled

"Not possible" I kissed her once more and said "is possible" I watched as she went in after I could no longer see her I got in my car and headed to work.


It's 7:00 in the morning and here I am opening my tattoo shop "Black Ink" as I was just about to open the door the camera crew began filming.

I ignored them and walked in my shop, I had a early appointment so I had to be the first one here today.

Not long after Dutchess walked in, she turned, looked at me and continued walking. I was glad because I wasn't entertaining her attitude today anyway.

Don't get me wrong I love her and I meant everything I said when I proposed to her, but she always has this attitude and thinks I'm cheating on her. Yea I cheated, but I regret it and apologized for it. I got enough stress with these damn cameras in my life to be dealing with her attitude to.

After about 10mins my appointment arrived "Whats up girl?" My little cousin gave me a hug "I'm good. I missed you"

My little cousin Nala lives in Florida so this is her first time in my shop. "The place looks amazing so much better than watching it on tv"

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