Chapter 7

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Milan pov*
I paced my bed room as the phone rang but I couldn't reach Cease. I sat in my bed why would he do that and not even talk to me first. As soon as I put my phone down I got a text

I picked up my phone fast, it was Cease. It said; enjoy your trip we'll talk when you get back. I didn't know what to do. Dre peeked his head in with Milani on his back

"So are you good to go?" I nodded my head and got up to look through the things Lexi packed for me

Cease pov**

"So this is what you do now? You stay late to teach lettering?" I just sat there and listened to her talk cause I know I was wrong. But as much as I try I can't stop thinking about Milan.

"You hired a new pretty bitch and that's your priority now? Cease I'm not going through this again" I rolled my eyes, she can never get over that one mistake

"You can't ever get over the past, you do realize that shit pushes me further and further away. I expect a standard from my artist, it's not my fault she wanted to perfect her work and I'm not mad that how it should be" she just gave me this look and went into the room and didn't say another word and I was glad. I made my bed on the sofa and went to sleep

Milan pov***

I went to bed on the plane and woke up in Abu Dabi "mommy look!! This looks like where grandpa is from" I smiled while fixing her hijab "yes baby this is like where he's from" as we stepped off the plane I grabbed her hand and held her tightly and followed behind Dre

"Um Dre baby, you can speak Arabic right?" He turned around and gave me that sexy smile "yes, I can Milan. Don't worry you're safe with me" we walked up to a man holding a sign with my name

The man took our bags and packed up the car then drove us to this extravagant hotel. "Dre this is beautiful" Dre took the both of our bags into the master bedroom

I smirked "um what do you think is gonna happen Mr Dre, you think I'm gonna let my daughter sleep alone?" He chuckled

"She be in the closest room and they provide a nanny for the newlywed suite, my eyes about popped out of my head, Dre quickly corrected himself

"This was a planned trip for my ex we never went cause we never married, so I figured why not spend it on a beautiful woman like you" I blushed and he pulled me close, he grabbed my left hand and slid a beautiful simple diamond ring on my ring finger.

He smiled "it goes with the story, you'll be my wife for the week" I smiled feeling excited and happy for the first time in a while, ever since Messiah.

I pulled away from him "what makes it so easy for you to just take a woman and her child on a trip halfway across the world, what do you want out of this?"

Dre looked hurt for just a second, but quickly changed to a more serious face "I want everything you've been waiting for, we talk day in and day out, I get lost in conversation with you, and it doesn't hurt at all that you are so beautiful. Milani is so easy to accept because she is the smaller photocopy of you, you are a wonderful woman" he pulled me back towards him

He smiled and sighed "I want you to be my woman, call me crazy now, but I'll be calling you crazy later for not believing me when I make you my wife"

I was damn speechless I just stared this man in his eyes, listened and believed every word he said and simply said "okay"

5 days into the trip

Dre pov***

I wake up and admire this woman next to me, she is so beautiful everything about her is. I got out of bed walked to Milani's room to check on her.

She is her mother's daughter, Milan is the perfect woman for me I just pray she isn't like the other women I've dealt with. I walked to the kitchen and helped out the suite maid with the mess we made last night.

While the chef got breakfast started I went to wake up Milan, but she was out of bed already wrapped in a silk robe brushing her teeth in the bathroom. I walked up behind her and gave her a kiss on the cheek "good morning love" she smiled and spit the paste from her mouth

"Good morning Dre" she turned and stood on her tippy toes for a kiss and I gave it to her, her kisses were so soft and passionate. I could kiss her all day

"Mhmm baby let me go wake up Milani so she can get breakfast before we head back" I left her go and started getting ready myself

We ate breakfast with our house maid, she wrapped the girls hijab for them and even did a little henna for Milani. I tipped her well before we left and we all headed to the airport

As we walked through the airport I noticed a lot of people staring at us as we passed, we looked like a well put together family. I smiled and held my head high

"So when do you think you'll be able to go on another trip with me" I asked while we sat on the quiet plane. almost everyone was asleep in first class

Milan was playing in Milani's curls, without looking up at me "man, are you trying to make me fall in love with you?" I didn't even reply I just sat back and thought of my future with this woman.

Milan Pov***

I had a great time in Abu Dabhi, but I still had that kiss in the back of my mind and I needed to talk to Cease as soon as possible. I got up extra early today to catch Cease before anyone came to the shop

I walked through the front and headed straight to Cease's room, I knocked "hey Cease". He looked up from his drawing board. He got up and walked towards me.

My heart was pounding cause I didn't know what he was gonna do next. When he got to the door he pulled me in and shut it behind me. He quickly bent down and kissed me and I returned the kiss

He lifted me up and sat me down on his table, I moaned in his mouth as I felt his manhood pressing against my kitty. It had been so long since I've had sex and being with Dre all week made my hormones go all over the place.

Cease slipped his hand in my thong and felt my wetness "please let me taste this" he whispered in my ear

That's all I needed to hear before my thong was off and his lips on my kitty. I moaned and shuddered as his tongue flicked against my box. I wasn't long before I came into his mouth and he licked me clean.

I laid there catching my breath and thinking about what I just did. I sighed "we still need to talk and this probably made it worse" . I pulled up my thong and fixed my dress.

Cease sat back in his seat "so where is this coming from? Why are you suddenly so attracted to me? You have a fiancé" and he huffed "and you have Dre, but that didn't stop you from spreading those lips wide for me"

As the words came out of his mouth I had to clench my legs tighter together to stop the pounding heat. He stood up "see even now I know you want me. Why?" He sighed "I'm attracted to you cause you're so beautiful and everything about you is too"

I shrugged not sure myself  "I've lusted for you ever since I watched the show back in Florida, now that I'm here around you I started feeling for you a little more" he walked closer to me and I started to melt under his stare

"Don't look at me like that" and he licked his big lips "why?" He asked and stepped between my legs. It wasn't long before we were kissing again and he moved down to my neck, getting all of my weak spots

That's when his door opened.

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