Chapter 17

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Dre pov***

We were speeding the whole way to the hospital and when we got there milan's doctor was already there waiting "Milan what was I just telling you this morning those babies are ready to go" Milan did a sarcastic laugh "yea well where's the pain medication cause they are killing my back"

We laughed cause things intensified as we were driving. When we were settled in the room Milan went through a wave of emotions from crying to laughing then being angry and sad again.

Milan's mother got here and managed to keep her calm. The boys were coming fast and there was no time for an epidural, Milan cried when she heard that and kept saying that she wasn't going to push but things weren't going her way.

"Milan baby it'll be just like when you pushed out Milani quick and easy" Milan rolled her eyes "mom it was easy after her big ass head came through it made way for everything else" we all laughed expect Milani "where do you think I got it from bigger head"

Milan laughed so hard "oh no no no sweetie I didn't mean it like that I love your head" then she started crying reminiscing when she gave birth to her, I kissed her forehead "baby you're so emotional, I love it"

She stopped crying "how about we switch places and you see how cute it is" I smiled "and you're sexy when you get so mad" she smirked at me "stop that, I'm trying to have babies no more making babies"

After about 2 hours the twins were closer to being here, Lex took Milani home and it was just me and her mom in the room now.

The doctor walked in "Milan how do you feel about pushing right now" she started crying "just get them out, please get them out" he sighed "I know it's painful it'll be over soon, we're gonna go ahead and have you push okay, put your feet up here"

As she put her feet up she cried out in pain "ahhh just as I thought they are on the way out, okay Milan I need you to take a deep breath then push as hard as you can okay? Alright push Milan"

She held my hand and pushed the doctor counted down "..4..3..2..1 okay good Milan, he's coming quite fast, just two more and your baby will be here" Milan stopped crying and began pushing again

I looked down and I could see some hair I turned back to Milan "baby he's right there one more you're doing so good" the doctor nodded "he's right nice big pushes come on last one" Milan wiped her eyes and started pushing again and not long after the room was filled with cries

The doctor lifted up our first boy, I started crying and he placed him on Milan as all the nurses worked to clean him off, Milan had became so calm and started talking to him "Hi DJ, I'm your mommy, you're so cute baby, you were driving me crazy today, I didn't like that" she said laughing and crying at the same time.

They lifted him up from her stomach and had me cut his cord. I kissed Milan "Thank you baby, thank you" she kissed my hand and closed her eyes taking a rest, I walked over and dealt with the nurses. Dre Jamir Harden Jr 4lb 6oz 21in. I smiled at my boy.

Not long after Milans mom came to me "give him to me you have another boy on the way" I turned around and Milan was already pushing again

I rushed to her bed side and I could already see his hair and after one more big push he was here. They placed him on Milan and she put her head back "no more please, no more" the doctor chuckled as he cleaned her up waiting for the placenta to pass

Milan started talking to him "Hi AJ" I looked at her and she rolled her eyes playfully "I started to like it after talking to them besides I couldn't find any M names" she continued to talk to him until the finished cleaning him, I cut his cord and again I was back dealing with paper work. Andre Jamir Harden 4lb 7oz 21in.

Milan pov***

I marveled at my boys, that was the worst birth of my life but it was the greatest blessing. My boys were fast asleep on my chest. "Baby do you want to take them" Dre quickly put the camera he was messing with down

He lifted the boys one by one they looked like little footballs in his arms "get some rest baby, I got them" I smiled "I love you Dre" he sent me kisses "I love you too"

I turned over and got comfortable so I could rest.

While I was asleep I was woken up by a hushed voice it was Dre he was on the phone "Lex no I can't leave, she just had my kids I need to be here. Stop! Period! That's it no quickie in the hospital no more,none of that shit.Starting this with you was the wrong thing to do in the first place"

I laid in bed so still staring at my babies in front of me. My heart began to beat and ache so hard but I couldn't turn around I couldn't let him know I knew. One of the boys began to cry and he ended the call and rushed over

I shut my eyes quick as he made it around the bed. I stayed like that until the boys woke up for their feeding

The next morning I just sat on my bed and thought about what I was gonna do. I texted Skye and that fake bitch Lex to come help me.

Dre pov***

I stepped out of Milan's room and went to go get her some things and some breakfast. When I made it back to the room the room was empty. I dropped the things down and went looking for a nurse.

When I saw our attending nurse I stopped her "excuse me have you seen my fiancé and my kids?" She looked up from her clip board "um yea she moved, she left something for you in there or something"

I jogged back to the room and found a envelope with my name on it in Milan's handwriting. I opened it up and it was a letter with her engagement ring attached. All the letter said was You Know Why. My heart fell to my stomach.

Milan pov***

I can't wait to leave this hospital, I already had the girls and my mom move me and Milani's things back to the old house. The doctor came in "well your sons look completely fine and healthy and you're surely well from birth I don't see why we can let you go.

I smiled happy that I could get out so I can beat Lexi's ass of all things she could've done she's gonna sleep with my fiancé. I was boiling inside and crying every second. My mom kept Milani away so she didn't even know anything was happening.

When I finished up my final paper work I was discharged and driving home. When I got my babies into their cribs I went downstairs to have a talk with Skye and Lex.

They were both talking when I came in the living room "Lex how could you?" Lex turned and looked at me like she didn't know what I was talking about. "You snake bitch, Skye she's been fucking Dre!" Skye looked wide eyed and I ran to beat on Lex "Milan no no no no!"

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