Chapter 11

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Milan pov***

"Well I'm pregnant" I sat on Skye's bed and threw my head back why does this have to happen to me. Skye rubbed my back "you're not even sure if the baby is or isn't Cease's just make an appointment and if you're past a month it can't be his"

I nodded my head she was right, me and Cease had sex once I don't even remember much of it, I'd be damned if it was his baby though. He tricked me and he used me for his own selfish advantages. I could never forgive him.

Skye got up "well I'm gonna get ready for the little shindig at the shop, you wanna stay here?" I shook my head "no, I'm gonna go too"

After me and Skye got ready we headed to the shop. The shop wasn't packed but there was enough people there to call it a party. I sat on the couch and sipped on my water.

Everyone was practically drunk and I wasn't really in the party mood but Skye was keeping me company the whole time making me laugh my ass off.

Walt walked over and grabbed my cup and shifted it "wtf is this water?" He sipped it and laughed "Milan! Get some liquor in your system. No no no here's some good shit cause you're the only one sipping on some water"

Everyone laughed and I laughed too Walt was a funny dude but I couldn't drink cause of the baby. I shook my head "no, I'm good for tonight" but he kept pushing "Milan no I'm not stopping until you drink this cup. Cmon Milan" and everyone started chanting

"Drink drink drink drink!" I just kept saying no over all the noise, then Skye got up looking irritated as hell "Yo, she's pregnant leave her alone. She said she doesn't want the drink" everyone got quite

And Skye covered her mouth but I knew she didn't mean to, she was just being protective and she was drunk. Then Walt had a big ass smile on his face "Yooo there's gonna be a baby in Black Ink!" And everyone cheered

I couldn't help but smile, everyone came and gave me hugs, in the back I could see Cease's face and he looked like he swallowed a rock. Then it all settled back in, I had to find out who's baby this is.

After the party was over I stayed and helped clean up, Skye was passed out on the couch so I had to drive her home. While I was picking up the last of the mess Cease walked up behind me.

"So you're pregnant?" I just moved and continued picking up the rest of the mess. I didn't answer him because he didn't deserve to talk to me and he didn't deserve an answer.

"Milan! You not gonna answer me? It could be my baby" I still didn't answer him. So he grabbed my are and pulled me to face him. By the time I was facing him tears were rolling down my face.

"You don't deserve shit from me, you ruined me. No let go of my arm" I pulled from him and put the rest of the things in the trash bag and tied it up. I wiped my tears and walked over to Skye and shook her awake.

When she got up and saw Cease she shook her head "you fucked up bro" I help her up and grabbed her bag and walked out to the car.

I drove Skye home and helped her up the stairs. When I got her in bed she grabbed me "it's gonna be okay you know that right?" I nodded "thanks Skye" she waved her hands "nah thank you bitch you just carried my ass into this place and in bed. Have a good night"

I took her spare key and locked up her apartment. As I drove home all I could think about was this baby. When I turned the corner I saw Dre's car in the front of my building and stomach did backflips.

I parked my car and walked right past him and up the steps to my place "Milan... is it true?" My heart began to start aching and with my back still turned to him I nodded and I opened the door.

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