Chapter 13

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Milan pov***

I woke up in a panic and laid back down realizing I was home, I had a nightmare about the twins being hurt and placed my hand on my belly but all I felt was cold steel and Velcro from the splint on my finger.

I cried quietly to myself thinking of everything that went on during our gender reveal. Dre sat up in the bed and pulled me close to him

"Shhhhhh shhhhh baby... baby you're okay. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you. I promise" I cried until I couldn't anymore. I sniffled "everything was perfect, I made the most perfect surprise. Why did she have to do this? Why did you ever have to sleep with her?"

Dre moved me aside so he could look at me "are you serious right now? Milan we've been over that a long time ago why do you have to bring it up? She would've never been there if it weren't for Cease so if you're gonna point at me remember there's 4 other fingers pointing back at you?"

I cut my eyes at him "oh so this is my fault? That crazy bitch is the one who attacked me not Cease. If you hadn't led the bitch on and kept your dick in your pants I would never be feeling the way I'm feeling right now let alone been attacked. So miss me with the bullshit Dre"

Dre looked so mad but his face also showed a mix of emotions "why don't you tell me how you're feeling then Milan" I turned from him "like this all was a mistake"

His mouth opened then shut. He nodded his head and got up from the bed and walked towards the door "where are you going?" I cried out to him he turned to me

"I need some space to think Milan" I rolled my eyes "so you're just gonna leave me here?" He rubbed his hands down the sides of his face with closed eyes

"Why not Milan? You said what you said I can't just go down stairs and clear my head and breathe a little. I'm leaving but I will be back. I don't know what type of head space you're in right now but I'm not here for it and I'm not gonna let my frustrations speak me. So I'm gonna dismiss myself and see you in the morning. That okay?"

He didn't even wait to see if I nodded or attempted to say yes or anything at all. I sulked in the bed, damn he's mad. Maybe I went a bit too far.

I laid in bed for a few hours thinking to myself, my pride fought hard against my heart whether or not I should get up from the bed, but I had to get up and go see my man.

I slipped on my fuzzy sandals and walked down to the gym. When I got there I saw Dre sleeping on the couch I slid my sandals off and tip toed to him.

I watched as he slept, he had a stern look on his face like he fell asleep with the world on his back. I grabbed a cushion and knelt down on the soft rug beside the couch. I watched him for a while whispering I'm sorry, but I eventually ended up falling asleep there on the floor.

Dre pov***

I woke up the next morning in the gym. My side hurt because of this hard leather couch. The events of yesterday started pouring in and I groaned at the thought of it all.

I put my feet down off the couch and felt something there I looked down it was Milan. She slept on the floor beside me, my heart softened, I knew her hormones and her frustration was talking last night, I knew she didn't mean anything she said.

I sat up and bent over to lift her up. When I touched her she flinched and woke up immediately. She sighed realizing it was me and gave me a sheepish smile.

"Good morning baby" I smiled "good morning my babies" she got up and stood in front of me "I'm sorry about last night baby, I didn't mean it, i love you and it's not your fault, you couldn't have guessed in a million years that, that could happen" I pulled her big belly to my face

"It's okay I already forgave you, I don't know how I feel about you hiding me from my boys though" I said changing the subject to she smirked "I got you good didn't I?"

I laughed "yea you did, you know that we gotta start thinking of names right? I'm thinking about Dre Jr and Andre James so it'd be DJ and AJ" Milan's face did not look impressed "uhh no you know I'm all about the M's baby"

I shook my head "so I don't get a Jr?" I pouted my lips she kissed me and rolled her eyes playfully "I mean I guess, that means we're gonna have something like MJ, but don't you dare say a name that goes along with the number 23"

I made a face "who Michael Jackson? Nah never babe" I laughed, she tapped the side of my head "quit playing goofy, seriously he needs a good name if his brother is gonna be named after his daddy"

Before I could get another word out Milani ran in "what are you guys doing in here? Where's breakfast?" I looked at Milan and laughed "well honey where it at?"

Her mouth opened "um no no, I'm the one carrying two babies if you two have forgotten momma is done cooking for a while, so if you want breakfast cook or we're going out"

Milani jumped up and down "yes! Breakfast with grandma!" Milan gave a painful smile "yayyy..... grandma..." Milani ran off to get ready and Milan walked after her.

Milan pov***

We all got dressed to go see my mom and her boyfriend. I was antsy in the car I hadn't been completely honest with her about my problems with Dre and I know she'll be expecting answers. I just wish Amara never would have attacked me.

When we walked into the restaurant my mom naturally ran over to me and hugged me she kept asking me if I was okay and of course I told her yes already wanting the topic to be over and she could tell she sighed and hugged me

She whispered in my ear "we will talk later" she gave me a tight smile and turned to Dre who was busy talking to Morrisey "my son in law! How are you doing?" He smiled that beautiful smile "I'm doing fine momma"

"Stop smiling at my woman like that!" Morrisey looked him up and down I playfully pushed him "leave him alone Doc"

He smirked at me "I told you stop calling me that, how are you sweetie? Let me look at the hand" I pulled my hand away

"Old habits die hard, I'm sure everyone is hungry right about now im pretty sure these babies are" everyone started going towards the table but my mom kept giving me the eye

Breakfast was good but my mom was making things uncomfortable for me. "Umm I'm gonna go head to the bathroom these boys are really making me uncomfortable" my mom smiled and put down her fork "I'll go with you"

I squeezed Dre's shoulder as I got up and headed to the bathroom, as soon as I got there I got into a stall and slammed the door. I sat on the toilet and heard the door open then the slow click of my mom's heels.

"Milan sweetheart, we have never kept things from each other and now I come here and you're full of secrets. Everything is I'm fine mom, everything is we're good and then yesterday happened. Tell me baby what did I do?" I sighed on the toilet

"Mom you didn't do anything" I finished up and flushed. "Everything that happened all happened so fast and I was dealing with a lot I didn't want you to lecture me or get mad at me, I didn't think it would be such a big deal" she grabbed my face

"Milan you don't make that choice for me, you know I never get upset with you and when it's something as sensitive as this I definitely wouldn't pry when you want to keep it to yourself. That was a slap in the face hearing all that stuff yesterday"

I looked at my mom and understood why she was so hurt, she was my best friend and I just replaced her with Lexi and Skye. I hugged her "I'm sorry mom"

She hugged me back "alright so fill me in" I sat there and told my mom everything I could in between the woman walking in and out I was about finished when Milani walked in.

"Were you guys taking a poop?" I laughed and shook my head "no baby, we were just talking" she huffed "oh, well can we go I'm tired and grandpa and Dre are starting to get boring"

Mom laughed and grabbed her hand "I'm sorry we left you with them for so long sweetie"

I let the both of them walk back to the table and I watched my family from afar. Everything might not be perfect but it'll all work out.

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