Chapter 16

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Cease pov***

Business has been doing good, everything has been up since I've messed up a few months back and that's where I want it to stay.

Dutchess leaving was a big wake up call for me, she did a lot for me and I took her for granted. My focus has been to get right with her and we've been making progress slowly. Although she isn't back in the shop she helps me from NC.

Dutch was able to look over the whole Milan thing, she doesn't like her very much anymore but she has respect for her, they talked and she understood what led things to where they got. Dutch forgave her and that was that

As for me and Milan, well she was hesitant about a lot but she's opened back up to me. We've been good, even Dre and I had a talk and everything been smooth sailing.

Today I have a meeting with some executive producers from VH1, black ink has been bigger than they expected I have a good feeling im gonna be handed a bigger raise pretty soon.

As I walked in to the building, Emily, one of the producers assistants was already waiting for me. "Hey Cease, here's the paper work for today, Tim and everyone else is waiting in conference room 3" I grabbed the folder and said thank you.

I headed to the conference room I always loved walking in this building reminded me of my first time in here, I've came a long way.

The meeting went well, they went over a few clips from the current season and what they liked, they talked about a few checks also which is always nice.

"Cease we love this season, it's gonna be great and if your viewers go even higher we might be righting bigger checks for you all" I chuckled "that's what I like to hear"

They all laughed with me "especially with Milan in the cast you'll definitely be going places" they laughed but I didn't really, Milan has been great but I don't think she's the sole reason why the season is doing so good.

"Yea that's right, that's if she doesn't decide to do her own show with VH1" I made a face, Tim looked at me and cleared his throat "oh, um yea VH1 has offered Milan her own show, she might take us up on it"

I fixed my face to hide exactly how I was feeling but I was pissed "it's good to hear she's coming up from this" I stayed with them a little longer but I left cause the meeting was over and I didn't want to stay any longer with these fake ass producers. I needed to talk to Milan

Milan pov***

I was walking out of my appointment when I got a text from Cease, he wants to talk but he didn't say about what. I sighed I agreed cause I needed someone to talk to Lexi and Dre were both busy, the doctor says the twins can be coming anytime now cause they're pushing to be out.

When I got to Cease's place he was just waiting for me outside already I walked up to him and attempted to give him a hug but he stepped from me. "Um okay what's up with you? Are we going inside?"

He had a straight face and shook his head "Nah I'm good here" I just looked at him "uhh can we sit in your car? Cause if you haven't noticed I'm very pregnant" he shrugged "it won't be that long, so what's this I hear about you and VH1?"

I shrugged my shoulders "nothing what are you talking about?"  He crossed his arms "so you're telling me you ain't trying to get your own show now? You're really trying to sneak me after all I've done for you? You wouldn't even be here if I didn't pick up yo ass from Orlando"

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