The small party

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(Jeticy P.O.V.)

Today me and Bee were planning a party. We are trying to make it fun for every one at base.

There was music, energon and games. I was setting up the speakers and telling Bee about my past and how I acted.

What I didn't know was that the others were listening to me talk.
I finished setting up the speakers and stretched.

The party started a little bit later. Everyone was having fun . They were either talking or dancing.

Me and Bee are having a dancing competition. We wanted to see who dance's better.

I say me but he says himself, so we decided to have this competition. So far it is a tie between us.

We finished and everyone said it was a tie between us. So we settled for a tie.

It got late and everyone was starting to go to bed. I almost fell asleep standing.

I finally made it to my room and layed down. I fell asleep right away when my helm hit the pillow.

Sorry I haven't been updating but its end of first quarter of school and I have drivers ed right after school till 6 .

~Jeticy (Abbie)

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