Chapter 1: Birthday Party

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Bella's POV:

My mind going all over the place, I'm surprised and nervous at the same time. Even more so I feel something is about to happen. Now I'm at Edward's place getting ready for the party Alice has set for my birthday. This is going to be exciting (Look at the sarcasm) While I was putting on my converse, I felt hands wrapped around my waist, I froze a second or two and turned around to see who it is and was relieved that it was Edward.

"Why are you still here, shouldn't you be downstairs waiting?" I asked him with my most appropriate voice.

"I just want to know if you are ok, because it seems that you are sad or worried." he said with his angelic voice.

"Yes I'm fine, just thinking. Can I ask you something?" I ask cautiously.

"It's fine, what is it you want to know?" he said still calm.

"Who are those three guys in front of Carlisle?" when I asked him that, he suddenly tensed up as he begun to speak.

"The-ey are the 3 leaders of the volturi." he said in a hushed tone, seems to me these guys are scary even for Edward.

"Who's the volturi?" I ask with an eager tone.

"They are the most powerful coven in the vampire race; they are also the vampires who are checking if anyone violates the rules." He said speaking a bit normally but still slightly tensed.

"Wait, vampires have rules?" I ask with a confused look in my face.

"Yessss, but-" he started but before he could finish his sentence, Alice walked inside the room.

"Come on, come on, your party is about to start." she said with a wide smile.

As we walked down the stairs, I saw that there are a lot of gifts and candles. Alice sure is a good party planner.

"Hi Bella, happy birthday, I'm sorry for all of this, it's hard to convince Alice, if it's even possible." Esme said with a happy tone in her voice. I have always love esme, she treats me like her real daughter.

Suddenly Alice appeared and took a picture of me and edward who is by my side.

"I'm sorry, I found it in your bag, I hope you don't mind." she said, I just nodded my head.

after opening all my gifts, Carlisle popped out in front of me.

"Here Bella take this, this is a little gift from me and esme to you." he said with a slight laughter in his voice.

"Come on Bella take it, you've become a little pale lately." she said with a little excitement in her voice as I take the envelope from her.

I am happy that finally someone cares for me, as I open the envelope, my finger slid through the paper envelope.

"Ah, paper cut." I said, so that they will not get worried. On the other hand, I thought wrong.

Before I knew it Jasper was thrown in the piano, and suddenly Edward was throwing me at the table. Carlisle suddenly appeared right in front of me to put pressure on my arm. He ordered everyone to go out and bring Jasper with them as we walk to his office.

5 minutes later...
While Carlisle is cleaning my wound, my mind drifted elsewhere more like a flashback of Edward and I awhile back; I just can't resist the urge to ask him how he can get so close to people without tempting himself to suck a person dry.

"Carlisle, how do you do it?" i ask gently so he wont be startled by my question.

"Years and years of practice." he said with a slight smile on his face as he looked at me then back into cleaning my wound.

"Did you ever think of just doing it the easy way?" I ask sounding a little bit harsh or how do you explain it, a bit rude.

"No, I knew who I wanted to be, I wanted to help people. It brings me happiness and if I am damned about this so be it." he said still a slight smile with enthusiasm in his voice, focuses on stitching my wound.

"Damned, like... like hell?" I ask with a snort of a laugh.

He just looked at me for a bit with a slight smile prominent upon his lips then went back on stitching my wound up as he shook his head 'no'.

"Carlisle you couldn't be damned, you couldn't its impossible." I said with a little bit of disbelief in my voice and facial expression even though he could see it

"Thank you bella, you always been very. gracious about us." he said while looking down at my stitches.

"So that's it then, that's why he wont change me?" I ask with a bit of disappointment in the tone of my voice as He faced me eye to eye.

"Imagine the situation in reverse,mmmm..." he said still facing my as he stood up and brushed his thumb across my cheek.

After the series of events that occurred at the Cullen's residence, Edward drove Bella home. As they pulled up at her house, Edward asks Bella to talk which Bella agrees. Bella followed Edward in the woods, his back facing Bella as he stopped walking and started talking...


Hey guys, I'm editing this book. Hope you like the new cover of the book 😘😘

Love you my angels ❤️😘😘

xx Nykka ❤️

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