Chapter 2 : All Alone

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After the series of events that occurred at the Cullen's residence, Edward drove Bella home. As they pulled up at her house, Edward asks Bella to talk which Bella agrees. Bella followed Edward in the woods, his back facing Bella as he stopped walking and started talking...

"We have to leave Forks..." he started to talk. I was shocked, my expression showing it but since he turned his back on me he couldn't see it.

"Why?" I asked worried as to what his answer might be.

"It is Carlisle, he is suppose to be 10 years older than he looks and people are starting to notice that he doesn't age." he said, I was confused at first but I was worried what to tell to charlie so I can go with them...

"Ok, I -... I got to think of something to say to Charlie." I said still thinking of what to tell him.

Then I stared at him for awhile he turned around to face me, his expression I couldn't even read if he was sad, hurt, or something I just couldn't read his expression. I hesitated at first so I took a deep breath and said, "You say WE." I said in a hushed tone emphasizing the word WE. but then I was shocked as he looked at me dead in the eye. We stared at each other for a few more seconds then he finally spoke.

"I mean MY FAMILY AND MYSELF." he said but what shocked me the most wasn't what he said but how he said it and his facial expression nothing, absolutely nothing. That's when my heart shattered like glass that fell on the floor left shattered and forgotten ... I felt like they did not care for me at all.

"Edward what happened with jasper,its nothing-" I said but was cut off with edward starting to talk.

"You're right, it was nothing, nothing but what i always expected. and nothing compared to what could have happened. You just don't belong in my world bella." he said, I felt my eyes started to water and my vision was getting blurry by the second.

"I belong with you." i said, and noticed that my voice is becoming numb and becoming soft.

"No, you don't... " he said and my eyes starting to betray me as I hold my tears .

"I'm coming...." I said and tried to yell but can't...

"Bella I Don't Want You To Come." he said and I can't hold my tears much longer.

"You don't want me?" I said but it sounded more like a question due to the tears i am holding.

"NO......" he said seriously..

"It changes things. A lot" i finally said still trying to hold my tears.

"But if it is not too much to ask, can you just promise me one thing?"  he ask, then i was worried of what could he ask but I asked anyway.

"Wh-what?" I asked much like a whisper, tears begin to fall down my cheeks.

"Don't do anythimg reckless, for charlie's sake...." he said and finally my heart shattered apart once more.

"And i will promise something to you in return, this is the last time you will ever see me again. Because l won't come back. And you can go on with your life without any interferance from me. It will be like i never existed, I PROMISE." he said, now I was being pissed off instead of bursting into tears i spoke.

" If this is about my soul, take it I don't want it without you." i said will a slight of anger in the tone of my voice.

"It's not about your soul, you're just not good for me." he said and now i really cannot take it much longer.

"I'm not really good enough for you,." i said

" I'm sorry I let this go this far and this long." he said and i really cant take it anymore.

"Please, don't." i said trying to spit the words out of my mouth as tears fall down my face.

"goodbye ." is the only thing he said. By now I am silently crying, then he kissed my forehead then left.

I shouted his name but there was no response. so then i fell to the forest ground and started sobbing there, luckily that forest is hard to find, so they won't find me anytime soon.

I've been here at the forest for like maybe 2days. Then something happened, something I did not expect nor wanted to happen.


OMG, this brings back memories when I first started writing this book. The excitement coming over again 😍😍😍

xx Nykka❤️

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