Chapter 5: Valdera coven.

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Bella's POV:
It has been 90 yrs. seen I left the volturi castle, 10 years to go before I return. I still keep in touch with them of course. Right now I've discovered some of My powers: mental shield, teleportation, and I have telekinesis well. At this point, I still don't have my coven but I continue to search for them. For the type of people who have a strong will.

After a year.
It was the night of October 23, 2103, I was walking on the streets of London,UK with the cold breeze hitting my face every now and then when I heard an ear piercing scream of a guy. I went towards the scream and I saw two guys being stabbed by 3 guys, So I dashed to where they are and killed the 3 guys. The other guy was stabbed on his stomach and right thigh, and the other one has a black eye in his left eye with busted lips.

"What are your names?" I asked the guy with a black eye.

" I'm Harold Dale, I'm 18, this is Cristopher Dale, my only brother. He's only 15. Please help us." He said and with that, I carried them both to my house in the deep forests of London.

"I can help you both both I need to change you, in order for you to survive." I said calmly as possible.

"Do what ever it takes to help us, just please help us." Harold spoke pleading me. With that I bit Cristopher first, Harold.

[Harold has brownish-black hair(Looks like austine mahone) and Cristopher has brown hair (looks like justin bieber).]

3 Days after the incident:
I was hunting for blood for the two brother's when my phone started buzzing.

"Hello?" I said.

"Me and me brother are awake. Where are you? Why is my throat dry and burning?" Harold bombarded me with questions.

" I'll explain it when I come home, I'll be there in a second." i said.

I was running vampire speed back to the house when I saw 2 girls Lying on the ground with blood stains at their body and bite marks all over. I checked their breathing, fortunately they're still alive but barely. I had no other choice but to bite them, I quickly bit them and just sat beside the both of them pulling them in my arms as I closed my eyes and thought of my house. When I opened them, I was in my living room.

I saw Harold and cristopher at the living room with shocked and confused expressions. I handed them the squirrel I found to test their hunger as they quickly sinked their fangs. I placed the two girls in sofa bed.

"Could I asked what happened? Why did we drank the squirrel's blood. What are you? What is your name? Why are we this hot?" Cristopher asked continuously while checking himself in the mirror, Harold just rolled his eyes.

"My name is Isabella Monroe Valdera. But call me Bella. I am a vampire and so are you two. You were stabbed in the stomach 3 nights ago. I saved you right just in time and your brother asked me to save both of you no matter what."

"Thank you for saving us Bella, we are forever in your debt. You said earlier that we are the same but why are your eyes different, you have those golden marks and your nails are like crystals? " Harold asked confused. Before I could speak, Cristopher ran towards me.

"Thank you thank you Bella, you're my angel, my super hot, kind and  beautiful angel." Cristopher said while hugging me and burrying his face unto my chest. I merely laughed at his comment along with Harold.

"All I know as of this moment, I'm a Pure blood vampire, that is why my eyes are unique, but I don't know the real reason for the marks and my eye color. The last pure blood has purple eyes and nails as white as snow but no marks. I guess I am the first one to have this kind of appearance." I stated still having Cristopher in my arms.

"When did you turn?" Cristopher and Harold said in unison. I told them the whole story, from my last moment as a human, about the Volturi and me being their queen.

3 days later:
"Where are we? Why does my head hurt?" The girl with brown hair asked as she held her head. The girl beside here looked terrified, frantically looking around the house.

"I'm Bella, I helped you in the woods. I assumed you were attacked, both of you have scratches and wounds all over your bodies plus you lost a lot of blood. I change you so you will survive." I said, at first she was confused so I explained it further that she and her sister is a vampire and that it is possible for her to have powers. She was shocked at first but then it was replaced by a huge smile.

"I'm Elissa Masen(young Emma Watson), that's Clarissa Masen(Victoria Justice), my sister. Can I call you mommy?" Elissa asked and sat on my lap as I take a sit on the sofa, and I just nod." Our real mommy and daddy tried to killed us, we thought we were dead but we're not, you saved us. Thank you Mommy. Thank you so so much."Elissa said, She's so cute.

Mommy I think I know what my power is." Elissa said smiling widely at me.

"What is your power then dear.?" I asked.

"I have the ability to see powers of vampires." She said but when she looked into my eyes, her shining  and joyful eyes were replaced my horror.

"That's cool, how about me what is my power Elissa?" Clarissa asked her sister.

"You have the ability to shapeshift, you just need to think of an animal and visualize yourself turning to that animal." She said, the her eyes drifter to Harold and Cris.

"Mommy who are they?" Elissa asked me.

"Boys introduce yourselves."I said, both of them nodded in response.

"Yes mom, I am Harold and this is cris." Harold said.

"How about us , do you know what are powers we have?" Cris asked.

"Yes. Harold have the ability to control trees and plants. You can control animals Cris." Elissa said answering Cris.

"That's so cool. What's mom's power Elissa?" Harold asked, while pointing his index finger towards me. They all started to call me mom which I appreciate.

" Well, mom has more than 1 kind of power." Elissa said. Clarissa, Harold and Cris looked towards me with shock faces.

"What are your powers mommy.?" Clarissa asked me.

"Well for now I only have 3 powers, which are mental shield, teleportation, and i have telekinesis."I said. Elissa cuddled in my chest and said, "We're very lucky that you found us mommy, and not other vampires, your kind and strong and you're treating us like we're your children." She said.

"Mommy?" She called me.

"What is it dear?" I asked patting her head.

"You will have 10 powers, these are..."


cliffhanger, sorry need to cut it there.

the next chapter, bella will receive all of her powers.

comment, vote and read thank you.

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