Chapter 4: New Life

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Bella's POV:
I was conscious in my thoughts at the moment, still I couldn't open my eyes nor move my limbs as if I was tied down. I began to remember the flashbacks of Edward and his family leaving, Laurent and Victoria, my changing and those figures before I lost my consciousness. That voice, that sweet yet viscous voice I heard. There after I heard voices, I started to listen to their conversation. The first one was from a woman, the same woman who mentioned my name in the forest.

"Aro it's been 10 days, but she's still not awake. I thought the transfomation will only take 3days.?" The girl said. Aro? I remember him, his one of the Volturi leaders. That means I am in their territory. Wait, 10 days?! I've been unconscious for 10 days? This is unbelievable.

"Don't worry, she will wake up soon enough," Aro said reassuring the woman. I mustered all the strength I have and opened my eyes for the first time in 10 days.

"Ahhh.. our dearest Bella, you are finally awake." Aro said as I rised up and sat down on the bed. I faced the people around me looking at them one by one. They all gasped, their eyes enlarged at the sight of me.

"What's the matter? Why are you all looking at me as if I am a ghost?" I asked confused at their stares. One of them spoke, it was a woman. The same woman who called out my name in the forest.

"My name is Jane." Jane introduced herself and said, "They are looking at your eyes." I stood up and walked over a mirror as Jane motioned me.

My eyes, they are in a rainbow color. I stood there in disbelief, 'Is this even possible?' I asked myself in disbelief. Soon after, golden snakes were wrapped around my left arm. My nails are maybe shorter than an inch long, they're like crystals. My nails look like crystals, this is unbelievable.

"How is this possible? Where did these marks come from? My eyes and my nails, they are different." i asked continously...

"You are THE ONE Bella, the one we all are waiting for." A man with a familiar voice from earlier said as I faced him, he must be Aro.

"What do you mean 'THE ONE'?" I asked confused.

"100,000 years ago, there was a pure blood vampire that died. W don't know why or how she died considering the fact that she is a pureblood. She has purple eyes and nails as white as snow. But you are different from her, your eyes, your marks and your nails show it all. One thing is for sure, you are the Pure Blood Goddess the once great Pure Blood said. Having the immunity from anything that can kill the supernatural, the strength like no other vampire or werewolf have, the speed faster than lightning, the beauty even more precious than any diamond ever existed and the power no one can ever defeat nor obtain." He said proudly. He paused for a few seconds than began to speak once more, "If it is not too much to ask Bella, can I have but one simple request?" He stated quite hesitant, I merely smiled as I spoke.

"What is it Aro?" I asked, still with a smile upon my face.

"I was wondering if you would agree into being our Queen? It would be an honor for you to lead us into the new era of the vampire race." He stated as if he is convincing me to to do.

"I would love too Aro, on one selfish condition." I said as he nodded in response indicating me to continue. "I will come back after 100 years, with my own coven." At first his face showed hesitation but nodded in agreement.

"Ok it's settled then."After what he said I dashed out of the castle, feeling the breeze of the air on my skin.


Right now I'm laughing my ass off. The way I wrote this story four years ago was pretty hilarious and weird. Even so, it's getting exciting though. So by for now my angels,
see you in the next update.

Love you lots,
Nykka xx

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