Death Row

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I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It wasn't a dream.

There were at least 15 hickies running down both sides of my neck. and I had school in an hour and a half. Took my shower rocked a man bun and covered the hickies with my foundation. It was a very fashionable day for me. I pulled in my parking space and seen Ashley wearing a hoodie. Ashley absolutely despised hoodies.So I knew she was feeling the pain.

I walked through the hallway and headed for my locker then I heard "Together or near" so I replied with "Love is truly near". I tuned expecting to see some kids laughing at me but it was Kevin. He didn't play a prank this time. He got his schedule changed and we know had fourth period together. He was my lab partner anonymously. We could never focus. "So where are my imprints, Quing?". I punched him in the arm and told him "Why did you leave so many it scared the crap out of me, I thought I had an infection or something.", he laughed. "An infection? Really? I don't have anything but Jay fever."

He pouted when it was time for us to move to our next class. "Together or near", "Love is truly here", and we parted. The rest of the day was so boring until I had lunch with Ashley. When people seen her they laughed at her. They even asked her how does it feel to be the next Kim K. I would have lived up tp that name, if I made 65 million. Sadly, Ashley only won attention from the old nasty Janitor. Yes the Janitor even talked about seeing it. When she
sat at the table with Kevin I could see they were having problems. I couldn't help but laugh. "OK fine, I don't need you Kevin. I'm leaving you.", Ashley yelled. Kevin replied "Ashley it was already over when that video went out. So, I don't really care, leave.". After he said that he looked over at my table and smiled.

The rest of the day went by fast. We had a nice time at dinner. We all had a productive conversation for the first time. I rushed to the room finished my homework and talked all night on the phone with Kevin. "Some scouts are coming to look at me for baseball tomorrow, you should come." I was shocked when he told me to come. I was actually excited. "Sure i'll come."

I woke up did my daily routine and headed to school. Ashley actually looked like shit today. fourth period was even better. We got in trouble for horse playing. I had never been in trouble before. I kind of liked the feeling. He was making me a bad boy. Lunch was disgusting as usual but Kevin bought me two pizzas. He told the lunch lady to bring it over. No lie that shit was good.

It was the end of the day and Kevin's time to shine was here. He walked over to my car and said "I expect you to be there, since you are my boyfriend and all.". I was stunned. "Did you just say boyfriend?", I asked. "Duh, can't you hear? I'll be over tonight for a surprise.". I was so excited. He headed for the field and I went after. The scouts had their team with them and they were built. They were all for the Kev. I listened to them say how they bet he can knock a ball straight out the arena. You bet. The scouts took Kevin under their wing. He would leave in a few days.

When we made eye contact I could almost hear him muttering "Together or near" and I said "Love is truly near", smoothly.

I headed home did my homework and just hung out with mom downstairs until it was time for bed. I took a shower this night instead of the morning. I wanted to be fresh. As soon as I stepped out I could hear the window opening. "Mind if I join?", Kevin asked. I instantly rejected of course. I got dressed and joined him in my bed. He brought over pizza and Mtn. Dew. We watched T.V. and ate all night. "To your signing". I said. He said "To my signing". I then realized I wasn't happy.

I had to tell Kevin that I was the one who posted the video. He did make Ashley take that video of me off before anyone could see. However, everyone seen what she was doing. I decided not to. He would never know so I wasn't going to tell. I spoke too soon. As I went to the bathroom, my phone went off and of course since it was beside him he looked at it. I was still logged in the hate page.

When I came back I saw tears in his eyes as he looked at. I was confused until I seen the phone in his hand. He then said to me "How could you?"

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