Death Becomes Him

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Kevin shot out of the bed hiding his private area with my pillows. "I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Jones, he just came up on me. I tried to tell him no but he forced himself on top of me." I didn't argue with what he was saying. I had the camera still rolling. Everyone was gone from downstairs, Dave looked despondent, Mom and dad were gaping, Kevin was lying, and my ass hole was hurting.

    I felt no need to argue with him. "Kevin, go home now and I will call your parents and let them know what's really going on. Jordan? Why? Again. You just better pray because tomorrow you and your brother are going to pay.",Dad yelled to me.

     They left my room and I just laid there and cried. I was happy, hurt, and in pain. It was my first and I wish my last. I couldn't really sleep comfortable because it felt like he was coming in again. I tossed and turned all night long.

    I got a text from Kevin. I didn't read it. I actually couldn't. My eyes were swollen and my head throbbed in pain. I can't believe he fucked me after he gave me black eyes. What a man huh. 

      I got another text from Kevin and like the last I ignored it. It was over and done with why must he keep bothering me. He text again and I just simply put my phone on airplane mode. When I finally did close my eyes I was awaken by my dad who busted in with a belt. 

     "Dave get in here." Dave walked in slowly. He had his head pressed into his chest and he mouthed to me that he was sorry. "About what", I blurted. "Dave told me that you came in n him as well and tried to make him have sex with you. OK let's get this clear you are all brothers and you can't be fucking each other. I'm going to solve this problem now." Now I knew what Dave was mouthing sorry for. He lied to dad and thought I was just going to take the blame. Oh hell no.

     "I didn't force Dave to do anything he walked to my door with his friends drunk and I was already having some problems and then I just let them in and dad they pulled them out and I just wanted them to leave me alone so I sucked them off and now he just doesn't want you guys to know he like boys too." I could see dad's eyes turning red and mom was coming up the stairs.

"It's a lie dad don't believe Jay." I couldn't believe Dave was going this far with this whole situation. Dad began to walk closer and closer to me with the belt. "I;m going to teach you a lesson Jordan. You bring this homosexual demon in my home and you then try to seduce your brother and then lie about it." Mom was agreeing with every word he said. 

    He then Lashed at me. As he beat me he showed no sign of stopping. I watched Dave watch me get a beating for his lying. Dad was beating me harder and harder. I was running around the room screaming him to stop. He chased me every where I went. He slammed my arm in the door and beat me there. He even lashed me across my face. When he was done I was bleeding. This is child abuse right? 

    I looked over at Dave and said "Are you happy?" The only thing he could say to me was "Im sorry."

     I was hurting everywhere. I was tired and hungry. Dad wouldn't let me come down stairs to get anything to eat and I was done and over with. I went in the bathroom and Opened the medicine cabinet. I took the razors and began to cut.

     I know how crazy of me but I was in so much pain. I felt like everyone hated me. I cute my wrists, my stomach, and my face. I wanted to let them see what they have done to me. I grabbed a bottle of bathroom cleaners and just spraying it on my sores. It burned but my eyes had no more water for me to cry.

    I grabbed my pill bottle and Took every last one of them. I then Walked back to my room. I grabbed my other camera and looked at the film. I first looked at all the child hood fun I had. The time I used the toilet for the first time and wiped shit across Dave's face. When I puked in mom's hair. Also when I cut dad's ties up and put coffee in all his shoes.

   But something stunned me when I came across it. I had forgot that I recorded the session with me and Dave and his friends. I walked over to my computer and Uploaded it to my hate page I made for Ashley that had everyone on it. I then captioned it with "I too am very sorry!"

    After I posted the video and see the tremendous amounts of likes and comments I went to my bed and laid down and began to pray. 

"Lord, I just want you to forgive me for my sins.

I am ready to come home now and I hope you accept me in your kingdom.

I thank-you for the life you let me live and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Now it's time for me to go. Thank-you for everything."

I felt the blood trickle down my face and my back. As I moved to a new position there was a big puddle of blood in the bed. The pills were kicking in. I was ready to go see my maker. Who would miss me? No one loves me and the boy I had the biggest crush on has now left to the big leagues. 

    My family is torn and I embarrassed to even be considered part of it. I have hatred in my heart but love in my soul. In three days I was found dead. 

No one had came to check on me in three days. My body lost all of it's blood and I overdosed.

But who was there to announce I was dead. 

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