Chapter 10

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I wake up gasping for air and I'm in a cold sweat. It's still dark out from what I can see out of the sleeping quarters window. I look around at all the cots, all of them are full. I look at the big analog clock on the wall, it reads 3:47.

"Still 2 more hours", I think to myself.

I fall back asleep and then I'm awaken by a buzzer sound, it goes off 3 times. All the lights flicker on and everyone gets up.

"Get up, lazy!" Jon barks to Andrew.

Andrew gets up finally and we all grab our bows and quills of arrows and leave the room. My station is the 4 floor today. I see Mark again in a room as i walk down a hallway. I wave to him and he nods to me and teleports who knows where. I go to my post and Mark teleports there.

Mark whispers franticaly, "Come on, hurry".

I follow him and go in a small office room.

Mark says, "Dude, keep your abilities completly suppresed for now, one of the Leaders is getting suspicious".

I ask, "Who?".

Mark looks at me and says, "You've never met him, probably not even heard of him, his position is higher than Buck's, his name is Tim".

Mark goes on, "He has cameras everywhere, he does his homework. He knows where almost everybody is on this ship".

The intercom buzzes and after a second of static a voice says, "Lunch break". And then it crackles off.

We go to lunch but not much happens. Now it's time for the weekly knife throwing and bow shooting contests. Mark told me before lunch. There are 2 man teams. I pick David and Andrew picks Jon. Ed and Wes team and Buck picks some other guy I've never seen. 4 teams.

Buck yells, "Each person has 3 hits each event, 6 per team total, every hit is 1 point, team with highest score wins!".

First is bow shooting. Andrew's team goes first, he gets a bullseye and misses the other 2. In all his team gets 4 points. Next is Ed's team, 5 points. Now Buck's team, 6 points, the most possible. Next its me and David he goes, 3 hits. Next I'm up, whap! one hit. Whap! another hit.

As I go for the next hit, I hear a voice in my head, "Up a little, ok, right a half an inch, ok good, shoot".

It takes me a second to realize it was David in my head. I fire and make another hit.
The leaderboards read:

Team | Score
Buck | 6
Jake | 6
Ed | 5
Jon | 4

As the knife throwing goes on Buck kills it out there scoring 3 points, his teammate messes up and the knife bounces off the board. Jon's team gets 5 more points, Ed's team gets 5. My team is up. David goes, whap, whap and whap. Perfect score. I'm up now, I hit 2 times, and David comes back into my head.

He says, "You got this, c'mon".

I turn my head and show a small smirk at him. I throw and it goes straight than curves a bit. It hits 2 inches from the edge of the board. 6 points.
The leaderboards again read:

Team | Score
Jake | 12
Buck | 11
Ed | 10
Jon | 9

Everyone begins cheering and rush up around me and David. Apparently Buck is undefeated. At least was undefeated. We go to dinner, and I got a GIANT plate of Mac n' Cheese. And the day once again ends in our sleeping quarters. As I lay in my cot I think about tomorrow becuase our Boat docks. I get mentally prepared and go through the plan over and over in my head until sleep decides it time for me to travel to it.

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