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Im Jake, I'm 15 and the story of our planet's fate is quite interesting. It all started one morning in 2159...

June 12, 2159

I am awaken by a loud alarm. A needle connected to my arm injects adredaline to wash away my sleepiness.
I get up and get dressed and brush my teeth. I go down stairs and by that time I am mentaly hyper.

I am almost out the door for school when Mom yells, "Jake!"

I reply with slight irritation, thinking she is going to say you forgot this, or, love you. But i just say, "Yes..."

She says with a slight fearful voice, "Look over here, at the T.V."

The man on the news says, "All schools in the Takawarna district are closed due to a last minute warning from the U.S. army. I have Ontario here with the details."

Ontario stares at the camera for around 10 seconds, just staring. I say to Mom, "I love when they do that".

Ontario finally realizes the camera is live and reports, "Thank you Drew, we have the details on a strange flying object landing on an airplane runway, we dont yet know what it is, but we are treating the situation with extreme caution".

A video of soldiers with guns all around the mysterious object plays.

I say to Mom, who is now doing dishes, "That is real caution, treating the situation very delicatly, with 30 armed soldiers ready to blow that thing to bits".

I stay home and play video games and go walk the dog, all the weekend stuff.

Later that day, on the evening news, a video comes on. It is of the object opening and a strange mechanical being coming out. It has no guns or visible weapons. The soldiers blast it to bits and then the video ends.

Novemeber 27, 2159

The day the aliens come back. They somehow take control of every electronic device capable of transmitting auido or video and a message plays of a mechanical alien.

It says in a deep, straight voice, "We are the Tven, you have murdered my kind. We meant peace, but you did not. We will now destroy your world".

After the message ended, the bombs came. Destroyed our apartment and everybody in it. I barely survived and made it to a sewer and a soldier found me and helped me.

Now I live on one of the 36 Boats that travel the oceans to escape the Tven staying here, on Earth.
We must take back our fallen world, and maybe we can, maybe we a can't. Who knows? No one.

Age of the New World(#Wattys2015/#JustWriteIt)Where stories live. Discover now