New Smokes

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"Bro JJ get up we have to leave now!" JJ Walker looked up to see his best friend, Wyatt, right in his face having a panic attack.

"Wyatt? What the fuck is your problem it's 8 AM, and I don't know if you remember but we got trashed last night and I'm tired." Wyatt rolled his eyes and huffed his breath thinking about punching his best friend.

"Exactly! And those two are about to wake up!" Wyatt points over at two blonde girls identical except each having a unique tattoo on their forearm, one had a rose and the other a lily. Suddenly it all came back to JJ and he remembered going to one of the many frat parties that were held at Fairfield College, getting drunk, and picking up twin bombshells with his best friend.

"Holy shit! Where is my shirt!" JJ silently pans the room and sees the girl with the rose tattoo draped in his favorite red shirt that had a floating key with wings on it. The more he thought about it the less sense the design on the shirt made but he still liked it. Wyatt pulls him out the room and slowly closes the door.

"Fuck your shirt JJ we gotta go, my parents will be here at 9." JJ chuckles thinking about Wyatt's parents and how his dad is so easy going but his mother stricter than ever. The two boys quietly danced around red solo cups and passed out students to try and reach the exit. JJ looked around and smiled at the thought of how much fun he had last night and then saved his best friend from stepping in a pile of puke. The two dashed out the door and into JJ's pick-up truck. He pushed the keys in and on about 3 repeated turns of the key the engine roared to life along with the stereo on full volume. Wyatt and JJ jumped and hit their heads on the roof of the car.

"What the fuck dude! Remember to turn the stereo down in your damn truck, and change it to something better than this shit." JJ rolled his eyes because he knew Wyatt hated almost all bands, and mainly liked rap. JJ had liked rap and rock and played both constantly.

"So what reason are your folks visiting this time Wyatt?"

"How should I know, not like I planned it." JJ pulled into the dorm parking lot and him and Wyatt darted inside to change. JJ took his time in the bathroom admiring his favorite features. Blue eyes, brown short hair. He thought of himself as a god sometimes but mostly hated what he saw in the mirror.

"Hurry up! My parents are 4 minutes away!"

"Dude calm your tits, I'm almost done." JJ grabbed for the deodorant and then brushed his teeth to rid the smell of alcohol and cigarettes.

"Make sure to hide your cigarettes, my parents don't know you smoke JJ." After acknowledging his friend, JJ hid his pack in the bathroom cabinet. He only smoked one cigarette a week because he knew the dangers of smoking but still needed a release from time to time.

"I still can't believe we got twins! Twins! That's an achievement." Wyatt laughed at his friends remark as he stepped out the bathroom.

"God I love college." Then there was a knock at the door and Wyatt ran, stopped at the door knob, and took a deep breath then opened the door. To the boys shock it wasn't Wyatt's parents, it was the two blonde twins who looked a little more than angry.

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