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Blurred faces and muffled music flowed passed JJ as he tripped down the hallway. The walls seemed to curve and the more he walked the longer the hallway seemed to get. He saw couples making out drunkly pressed up against the wall, and other party goers stare at him as he lost his balance and hit the floor. JJ struggle to get back up and slurred at the people.

"Whaaaaater you lookin at?" He tried to reach the stares and finally grabbed onto the handrail. JJ walked to the bar and took another drink as his senses got worse and worse. He just walked around the party wondering where he was and where she was.

"Chloe......chloe.......Chloe!" Just then he lost all control and blacked out.
Wyatt slowly lifted his head up and saw he was laying on the couch with a sleeping Alexia in his chest. He looked up and smirked, still fuzzy on what happened last night. Alexia grumbled and also lifted her head, she looked at Wyatt and saw his classic smirk.

"Ugh......gross...." She got up and rubbed her head as she had a killer hangover. Wyatt was soon after, and the two walked around downstairs past passed out students looking for JJ and Chloe.

"Where's the other fuckboy and Chloemae?" Wyatt just shrugged as other people started to stir awake as the sun was peeking through the clouds early in the morning. One girl lifted her head and threw up immediately onto the boy sleeping next to her. Alexia cringed and started to walk upstairs. A boy looked at her and Wyatt with wide eyes and backed up against the wall in fear.

"Oh no not you two again!" Alexia and Wyatt just looked at each other in confusion. Wyatt decided to speak up.

"Care to explain why you're so scared kid?" The boy eased up s little as he realized they didn't remember what happened last night.

"Well you see, shorty over there grabbed you by the throat and hit you with a bottle of beer after you slapped her ass and you two sorta tumbled on the ground knocking people and chairs over until you guys......started to make out?" Alexia covered her face with both hands in complete embarrassment as Wyatt died laughing.

"You her that Lexi? Seems like you like it rough hahaha." Alexia slapped him on the head and he winced in pain as another wound from the bottle rested on his skull.

"Wyatt, this will never happen eveeeeeeeeer again." Wyatt just smirked and shook his head because he knew he wouldn't let that happen. Alexia walked over to Chloe's room and knocked on the door. No one answered so she decided to step in. She saw the bed had two people in it and the covers pulled over. Again Wyatt and Alexia looked at each other in shock, and tried to figure out who should be the one to pull off the covers. They rock paper scissored for the job and Wyatt lost. He walked up slowly and quickly with one grab pulled the covers off.  Alexia looked in confusion.

"Who the fuck are you two and why are you in my best friends room?" An odd couple sat on Chloe's bed as Alexia quickly shooed them out of the room in a frustrated manner. Wyatt sat on the bed.

"Well if her and JJ didn't end up in the room together, where did they go?" The two started to search the rest of the house. Bathroom: no JJ or Chloe. Bedrooms: no JJ or Chloe. Living room:no JJ or Chloe. Kitchen: no JJ or Chloe. Wyatt and Alexia started to freak out.

"Where the fuck could they have gone Wyatt!?" Wyatt just shrugged dumbly and decided that there should be one more place to check.

"Let's check if JJ's truck is gone. Hopefully those two didn't go out on a late night drive." They ran out onto the lawn and to the section of the steer where JJ's truck sat. It was all still there as before. Wyatt scratched his is head and looked in the car.

"Wyatt it's no use......maybe they went on a walk an- oh......my......GOD." Wyatt slowly turned around and saw Alexia's head pointed up. On the roof was about 3 different bottles of liquor, a pack of cigarettes, Chloe laying face up and a shirtless JJ laying face down close to the edge.

"What the fuck.....how did they....when did they..... What the fuck!" Just then JJ started to stir awake as he felt the sun get hotter from up on the roof. He lifted his head and rubbed his eyes. He thought to himself how the tops of the trees always looked so nice in the morning. Then he thought.....wait.....the tops of the trees? He then realized where he was and jumped up and nearly fell off. JJ looked around and saw Alexia and Wyatt on the ground.

"HOW THE FUCK DID I GET UP HERE!" Wyatt and Alexia moved closer to the sorority house as JJ teetered on the edge of the roof. Chloe then woke up and JJ ripped her up by the arm to make sure she didn't fall off and hurt herself. She looked down and clinger and saw what height she was at. Being afraid of heights, she clang to JJ in hopes that if she did fall he would cushion the landing. In the midst of their panic attack, one of the Windows upstairs opened and Wyatt and Alexia waved the two inside. JJ picked up his shirt and almost slipped off the roof again. Chloe hopped through the window and JJ came shortly after her. They let out deep breathes and the four plopped on the ground in exhaustion and relief. Wyatt and Alexia stared at their best friends and Chloe just half heartedly smiled.

"So um......crazy party? JJ you and I need to talk." JJ shook his head because he had barely any recollection of what occurred last night after he went up to Chloe's room.

"Of course we do.....first can someone please tell me how and when the fuck her and I got on the damn roof." Wyatt shrugged at him and Alexia shook her head signaling she didn't know.

"Well on that note, Wyatt and Alexia you go chat somewhere else for the moment while I fill JJ in on what happened." Wyatt and Alexia walked out the door of Chloe's room leaving JJ and her alone yet again. JJ just sort of laughed nervously and smiled.

"So about last night......."

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