Empty Pack

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*knock knock knock* The door of the sorority house pounded so loud that the house could hear. Chloe stood up, walked to the door, and when she opened a dapper looking Wyatt stood in front of the door frame, dressed in an all black suit and tie. He had his classic smirk on as he knew he looked especially handsome today.

"Now I know I look good."

"Mhm keep thinking that Wyatt." Chloe rolled her eyes at him as she stood in an all black dress that came with a black jacket to go over her shoulders. She looked gorgeous as possible; she curled her hair just like JJ loved. Chloe dolled herself up for him, as today was the day he would finally be put to rest since three weeks ago when they found him on that dark day that seemed like a split in existence. Wyatt paced around the house looking for Alexia, but in the mean time was greeted and hugged by Blaine who also wore an all black suit. His whole suit looked completely flawless with not a wrinkle in sight.

"Blaine. Dude you look amazing! Like better than me and that's a lot to say." Blaine laughed at Wyatt's comment and rolled his eyes like everyone in he group tended to do when Wyatt spoke.

"Haha well in the city black on black is a crime, and trust me it's a crime to look this good."  Wyatt sat down on the couch and waited for Alexia to exit her room and greet him. Chloe threw an apple at him to get his attention.

"Hey fuckboy! She's coming down the stairs." Wyatt stood up and looked towards the stop of the stairs and saw a stunning Alexia dressed in a sleek black dress and her hair too was curled with light accents of makeup on her face, with possibly the darkest eyeshadow in existence.

"Alexia you look....wow..."

"Close your mouth or you'll catch flies Wyatt." Alexia walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed his mouth close with her hand. Chloe laughed and smiled at the two.

"Haha yeah surrrre now you'll keep that mouth closed......daddy" Just then Alexia spun around and punched Chloe in the boob, as she winced in pain.

"Chloe what the fuck!"

"Ow you bitch! That was my left tit! What? He was gunna have to find out sooner or later." Wyatt looked at the two girls in confusion and thought long and hard about the contextual clues that Chloe had just left for him.

"Wait.....Alexia why did she just call me daddy?" Alexia turned back to Wyatt and her eyes got wide. She nervously smiled and walked back over to him. Wyatt just continued to stare in confusion.

"Wyatt....um babe....what Chloe's trying to say is....I'm late...."

"What do you mean 'late' we aren't even at the funeral yet?"

"Wyatt. You are such an idiot." Alexia slapped the palm of her hand into her forehead and walked away so that he could have a second to think about it.

"What else could ,late' mea- oh.....OH....You mean?.....That I?.....We are?.....is in there?" Wyatt pointed to her lower stomach region and Alexia just kept nodding her head at him nervously. Chloe shook her head.

"You really had to have my potential godson/daughter with this fucking idiot?" Alexia laughed a little and just smiled at the thought of he happy accident that was now in her. Just as she smiled Wyatt ran over and picked her up off the ground and spun her around.

"I'm going to be a dad! I'm going to have a son!"

"Woah woah woah........ who said anything about a son?" Wyatt stopped spinning her for a moment and looked at her in her eyes.

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