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Tommorow morning you rushed to your school by using your bicycle cus youre totally late to attend the classs.. thenn suddenly you saw jimin was bullying his junior.. you walk toward them and scold jimin...
"Yaa, senior parkk, why are you like to bullying your junior?? What is your problem hahh???" (You)
"Hey pabooo gurll.. dont try to stop me okayy.. who are you?? Want to stopp me.. its my bussiness!! Mind of my bussiness paboo.." jimin push you..
"Hey.. stop it.. huhhh.. dont bullying your junior.." (you)
"I said dont try to stop me.. im just asking them to give their money.. thats all.. hey, better you go to your class bcause now youre late... hmmm... want me to write your name on thiss letter.. ((lets say that jimin is headmaster son))
"Who are you?? Do you think im scared of you.. do you think you are rich everyone respect on you...!! Huuhhh.. hey.. remember this.. even your father is a headmaster in this school i will never scared of you.. you!!.. are rich rght?? But your mouth doesnt show that youre richh.. hmmm.. and i wish your mouth is better like your branded clothes.. do you understand what i means humm?? Owww.. im forget.. people like you will never understand bcaude people like you only know how to hurt someone feeling... i means, look at you.. youre rich but snobb, ego, annoying and like to bullying your junior... you think im scared you?? Hmmm.." you smirked..
"Hey.. i know youre jealous cus im rich right?? Hahhhh i know youre from poor family.. i know your eomma, your appa is poor.. thats why you jealous rght?? Hummmm.. cme on.. people like you is better sleep at roadway.. you and your family dont deserve to live here!! Wanna know why?? Bcause youre poor.. and one more time.. you.. dont deserve to school at this idol schooll.. you dont have any talent okay.. so better you go from this school.." jimin smirked and laugh..
"Heyy, i know im poor.. i know i doesnt deserve to school here... i knoww im not rich as you.. but at least im smart.. huhhh.. " (you)
"Eomma, appa, dauhhter is same.. pabooo.. your eomma is paboo, your appa is paboo, and lastly you.. paboo too.." jimin laugh...
You cant control your feeling, suddenly you kick him and slap his face... headmaster was walking nearby, and excidentally saw you slap his son face.. both of you are called to go to headmaster office...
"Y/n why did you slap him??" Headmaster ask..
"Bcause he was so rude.." you answer..
"What did he say to you??" (Headmaster)
"He said that i dont deserve to school here bcause i dont have any talented, poor and paboo.." (you)
"Jimin!!! Is it right..??" (Headmaster)
"Ermmm, appa.. she is lied.. i didnt say that.. she is lying.." (jimin)
"Hmmm.. y/n did you lied to me???" (Headmaster)
"Aniyoo.. im said the truthh.. and i saw he is bullying his junior.." (you)

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