Love Note

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A/N This isn't a poem. It is actually a love note.

Something amazing happened last night. I've been so stressed out lately I decided to have some me time. For whatever reason I used that time alone to lay out in the grass and watch the stars.
It was a beautifully clear night, and after a while I decided to wait there until I wished on a shooting star to resolve each and every problem I've been faced with these past few weeks. I actually started to feel better after a few sightings. I've always found comfort in wishing upon a star, but I've always been left waiting for a true shooting star, the one that filled humanity with magic to begin with.
Then it happened. Directly above me at the center of my vision and the zenith of the sky a white hot flash of yellow appeared, and purposefully shot across the sky in an awe inspiring arc. The phenomenon sent shivers down my spine. I clutched the damp grass on either side of me with white knuckles. I was quite literally star struck.
In my dumbfounded state I struggled to muster up what little sense I had quickly enough to whisper my wishful words into the soft breeze. All I could manage was "I wish for Emily". Of course I was clearly too shocked to poetically phrase what I really meant, but that's just it. I write poems all the time, but as practiced as I am, no poem I could ever write could capture that moment.
I doubt I will ever experience that kind of astronomical event again in my life, and if wishing on a star meant anything, if there were some magical force of nature, even if I never come close to seeing anything so magnificent ever again, and even though my words weren't brilliant... I'm glad I wished for you.

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