Hold On

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Just hold on a little longer.
Let me take the reins,
so I can stop writing.
I know I've kept you waiting
with mixed signals
while I spent the time you deserve
finding worth in my words.

Hang in there beautiful.
Don't let me lecture you
with a perfect phrase.
I know now all you need
is the praise I haven't shared,
because I was always wrapped up
in finding the perfect point of view.

At least give me one chance
to give you better timing,
and I swear I'll quit
with all this incessant rhyming.
I am a poet, but what use are you
as my muse if I can't stop writing
the things you need to hear
rather than read. I'm a poet,
but you are more than worth it
even if I need to give up
this lesser passion that consumes me.

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