Chapter 1.

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Lilith's POV-
As I head to the Port Canaveral NASA launch center, with my two brothers, mom, 3 aunts, and 4 cousins, I had this odd feeling like something bad is going to happen. I mean, it didn't bother me badly, but I wanted it gone.
"Hey mom, how long exactly will it take for this rocket to launch?" I ask as our circus of people walks down the street to the launch center. "I don't know, it just depends on how the astronauts drive it. " She replies blankly. " Mom, have you ever had that feeling like something bad was going to happen?" I say quietly so no one else will hear. " Well, it just depends on the situation. I mean you have to trust that nothing bad will happen and tell yourself that, and hopefully it won't. And make sure to be confident no matter what though. " She says back to me.
"Oh, okay. Thanks!" I walk over to my brothers Leo and Cole. "Hey, you guys excited?" I say. "Yeah no dip. Just ask Allia. Her insides are probably filled to the top with joy." says Cole. Leo is like a mysterious, musical, shy kid that doesn't say a lot. Cole, is like a comedic, athletic, another musical boy. Then there are my cousins. Erica, Allia, Nathan, and Madison. They are music machines combined with athletic abilities all in one body. It's crazy.

In all, there are 4 girls and 3 boys. Thank goodness we out rule them or else we would never get to do anything just the girls want to do. Leo, Cole, and I head over to the other 4 cousins and discuss whether we think it is going to have issues. " No, it's just engineering is so well these days it doesn't make sense," Madison says. " Yes, but there have been crashes before," Erica says flatly. " For once, I am with Erica," Nathan struggles out. "Me too, just not on the for once part," I say, and Allia laughs.
I turn around to look for my mom so I can stand by her and watch the launch but I can't find her. " Hey guys have you seen my mom?" I ask the group of teenagers I'm with.
"No, but where is my mom? I don't see any of our moms. At all!" Erica says. Since I'm the oldest cousin, I should soothe others. " Okay, let's not freak out. We can just call them. Every oldest person in their family, take their phone out and call their mom, please. "
We all do this. Madison says first, " I got voicemail." "Me too." Erica says quickly. " Same here. But I'm going to do one thing- call the Aunt that doesn't have any kids!" I say full of hope. I do this, and once again voicemail. " Yeah, I got nothing." I say flatly. I speak again full of half- hope, " Let's just all stay here and relax and watch it go off. Then we will try to call again. Got it?" A chorus of "yes's" and "yep's" fills the air. I try to relax, but that bad feeling is back. It better not stay.
When the rocket is about a minute away from launching, we all take about 5 steps back. Then we take out our phones again, to take pictures. I wonder why my mom used to bring us here to visit all the time? Huh. It's a built in mystery to be solved when we find them.
"10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, Blast Off!" Shouts nearly everyone there, including me.
People stay for a while and watch, but we just sit there. When I say to call our parents back, it's pointless to leave a voicemail because we have called them four times now. So, my next step is to ask a NASA worker. We split up, girls and boys, to go ask. I was the first one to walk up to this small, grey- haired old woman. " Hi, ma'm, I don't suppose you have seen my mom? She has brown short hair, green eyes, kind of a round face, some amount of freckles?" I ask sweetly. She gives me a sincere smile then says, "No, sweetie, I'm sorry. Do you guys need a ride or anything like that?" " No, I can drive, but thank you anyways." We exchange phone numbers just in case, though. Her name is Debora.

We ask some other people, but no one seems to recognize my mom, sadly. I even showed them some pictures, and they said no.
When we meet up with the boys, they said no one recognized our moms either. " I guess the next step is to call the police." I say. I mean it's getting dark already and everyone is hungry, so we might as well. I decide to call since I'm the oldest. " Hi sir, my mom, and 3 aunts went missing this afternoon at the NASA space launch in Cape Canaveral. Yes there are 4 all together. Okay, thanks. "
I put away my phone and look into the eyes of 6 children missing their mom, me as well. " They will be here shortly with sketch artists and yellow tape." I say slowly but surely, because everything is going to be okay. When the police arrive on scene, we all separate into families- the James family (my family), the Fall family, and the Dock family.

I describe my mom, and Aunt Margo. The Falls family does their mom, my Aunt Carissa. And the one Dock child does her mom, my Aunt Lea. " Yes. She has short brown hair, green eyes, kind of a round face, and some freckles. Okay thank you. " They all get to work and discuss and all 7 of us stand in a circle. Then the cop comes over and says, " Yeah, you should watch the news. Who's the oldest?" I slowly raise my hand. He brings a young woman over to me and pulls me over to the side. She starts speaking, " Listen sweetie, I'm guessing you are about 16,"
I nod my head, and she keeps on speaking, "I assume you have your drivers license, and everything? Yes? Okay. Well, I need you to watch the news tonight please. Your parents are on it. For now, since you are the oldest, I want you to take everyone to your house and feed them dinner, if that's possible. Please. Let them stay the night, give everyone new clothes and let them shower, and tomorrow morning, come up to the police station. See you tomorrow."

Hey so this is the first chapter.

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